Page 54 of The Wild Fire
I blink. I’m not sure what that is but I’m pretty sure I want no part of it.
“Uh, no, thanks,” I respond, letting my eyes dart around the room. “You happen to know where I can find Alana?”
“I saw her headed down the path on the side of the house a few minutes ago.” She points her chin in the direction of the window.
“Any luck with the sheriff’s department?” she asks as I toe into my boots.
I shake my head. “No. Looks like we’ll be trapped in town a while longer. I hope you don’t mind getting stuck with us?”
She smiles graciously. “Of course not. You lovebirds are welcome to stay here as long as you need.”
I try not to cringe visibly when she says that. “Thanks.”
I’m not particularly a fan of lying to this woman—a psychic, no less—about the status of my relationship with Alana. But what other choice do we have at the moment?
Swinging the door shut behind me, I only get a few steps down the driveway before I catch sight of Alana’s flowing flaxen hair.
That hair.
I’m fucking obsessed with that hair. I get a flashback to the way she’d purr when I used to rake my fingers through those silky strands. And how she’d moan when I’d wrap it around my fist and she would wrap her lips around my—
Cut the crap, asshole. Focus.
I head off after her, picking up my pace when I see her veer off the beaten path and head toward the edge of the woods. She’s wandering gingerly over by the treeline, tiptoeing through the tall, wet grass.
What the hell is she doing?
My protector instincts snap on. It’s the first responder in me. I swear. That’s all it is. It’s as slippery as fresh dog shit over there, and from what Jimmy was telling me when we were chopping wood earlier, the property is also dangerously steep in some areas.
My heart beat is gradually picking up as I watch her go. I’m going to need her to back the hell up before she breaks her neck.
“Alana!” I shout, trying to get her attention.
Even from this distance, I see the way her shoulders jump when I startle her by calling her name. Her head snaps in my direction and she starts to turn around. I frantically wave my hands in warning, but it’s too fucking late.
Alana slips, falls, and then her tiny body disappears over the side of the bluff.
Oh fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!
I take off in a blind dash, sprinting in Alana’s direction and yelling out her name.
I’m on my belly, sliding down the hill, all tangled up in a knot of stabby twigs and twisted limbs. Too shocked to be embarrassed.
I hear him before I see him. Davis comes bounding over the eight foot bluff to where I fell. In full superhero mode. Well, maybe not quite as graceful as a superhero, though.
He slips and slides down the steep hill.