Page 57 of The Wild Fire
A contented sigh escapes me as I sink against him. I’d forgotten how it feels so perfect to be snuggled up against his strong, muscled torso. With him attached to my side, it feels like a vital organ that’s been missing from my body for four whole years is finally back in place where it belongs…
I drown out the bitch in my head trying to remind me that Davis is not mine.We’re not listening to that bitch right now.
When he’s satisfied with our little photoshoot, Davis swipes through all the pictures. Tucked close by his side, I peek at the screen.
I complain about my eyes being closed in the first one. Davis laughs at the way my mouth is open in the next.He says that the lighting is trash in the next few.
“Well, at least I don’t have a gross mud mustache in those,” I retort with a laugh.
“No, but you have a fantastic mud beard. And the mud streaks in your hair are cute.” He angles his head to look at me. “I actually think it’s very stylish on you.”
We joke and laugh easily while we continue to critique each of the photos, losing track of time. In the end, there’s only one great shot of the two of us together.
We’re so caught up in the moment that I belatedly realize that my arm has been around Davis’s middle through it all.
I don't remove it.
He looks down at me. Although I’m sweaty and disheveled and covered in filth, my ex-husband looks at me like I’m a men’s magazine centerfold. I’m fiercely aware of the heat rising between our bodies.Of the electric charge I still remember so well.
All our laughter and banter comes to a sputtering end as desire settles over us.
The fire rises between us and Davis starts sweating.I watch a bead roll down his temple.
He suddenly turns away from me.
He sets down his phone on a nearby tree stump. “Are you hot? I’m hot.” He rips his shirt over his head, pads to the edge of the water…and dives straight in.
“Davis!” I gasp, rushing toward the water’s edge and staring at the rippling rings of where he slipped under the surface.
What the hell?
What was he thinking? It has to be painfully freezing in there. And what about rocks? What if he hits his head on a rock and splits it wide open.
“Davis!!” I scream again.
He finally resurfaces in the clear pond at the base of the waterfall, shaking the water out of his hair and grinning.
“Are you freaking crazy?!” I shriek at him.
“Nah. Ijust really need to…” His hot gaze scans over my body, leaving a slow trail of heat every place his eyes touch. “…cool off.” I can’t help but notice that his voice is all gravelly when he speaks.
Something shades his expression. Wait—that’s hunger. That’shunger. Is he ‘hungry’ for me?!
My own eyes skim over his broad chest as he stands there in the waist deep water. Shit—thatishis wedding band hanging from his chain. My heart hitches.
Don’t go there, Alana. It doesn’t mean anything.
Droplets slide over his sculpted muscles, and suddenly, millions of naughty thoughts are running rampant through my head. Thoughts that don’t even make any sense.
Like, his body heat. Is his skin still hot to the touch even in the cold water?
And, his scent. How does he smell so good after spending a night in the woods?
Oh, and his hard muscles. I don’t even have an intelligible sentence to say about those. Just…his muscles, dammit. And the tattoos. That tattooed chest still makes me so weak.
Fuck—I want him.
I want him so much I feel the lust roaring through my limbs. My breasts feel heavier. Hotter. Tinglier.