Page 63 of The Wild Fire
“I know, Jimmy. But there’s not a whole lot you guys can do today. Not unless you’ve got a heavy-duty tree skidder laying around your backyard.” The sheriff frowns. “We thought we’d found one, but then discovered it wasn’t running. So we have a mechanic looking at it now, and we’re just hoping it doesn’t need any imported parts, or we’re back to square one.”
I rise from my seat. “If you need anything, even just another set of hands to make phone calls, you know where to find me,” I tell the sheriff, shaking his hand before we head out.
The man gives me a grave expression. “I appreciate you guys coming down here. And if this was a matter of rounding up enough muscle to roll up our sleeves and get this done, I know you’d be first in line.”
I simmer in frustration as I walk out the door. Two days and town officials have made no progress in clearing their roads and freeing everyone who’s practically held hostage in town. But I find a little relief in knowing that we tried. And that the sheriff knows he can reach out.
On the way back to the cabin, Jimmy and I stop at the store. Since Alana and I are going to be guests for at least another night, it’s only fair that I pitch in with the groceries. Of course, Jimmy won’t stand for that, saying they grow just about everything they need on their land. I throw in a large bag of rolls and a bottle of wine, the least I can do to contribute to whatever Rainbow is cooking up for dinner.
On last thought, I also pick up some of Alana’s favorite snacks. I know she’s going to be devastated about being stuck here another night, so I’m hoping that a couple bags of her favorite potato chips and candy bars will make the evening easier to get through. And when I pass by the ice cream freezer and spot that hard to find strawberry ice cream that she used to like, I pick up a small tub of that, too.
When we make it back out to the cabin, it’s dinner time. Alana shocks the fuck out of me, greeting me at the door with a small smile. She comes to me and wraps her arms around my middle, nuzzling her cheek to my chest.
Can’t lie—I’m startled at first, taken aback by the PDA. Especially when she lets the hug linger.
We’ve been pretty good about avoiding physical contact—when I’m not thrusting inside her against a tree trunk, that is.
Geez. We’re a fucking mess.
My acting isn’t quite up to Alana’s level, though. I bend forward, stiffly pressing my lips to her forehead. I move to straighten quickly, retreating from her touch.But I don’t move quickly enough. Because her candy-scented hair tickles my nose and her soft curves press against my front and against my will, my body comes alive for her.
I step back, putting up walls, trying to fence her out.That’s pointless, of course. She’s already inside my chest, an unlawful tenant in my soul, living rent-free, and refusing to hand over the key. Fuck.
We pull out of the hug to find Rainbow smiling approvingly. I look away and clear my throat. Then the four of us grab our usual seats around the small table. Strangely, this is already starting to feel routine.
We eat the meal the girls whipped up, making small talk and listening to Rainbow tell tales about Starlight Falls.
All the while, Alana and I continue our charade, pretending to be a happily married couple. In some ways, it’s easier tonight. Touching her arm. Kissing her cheek. Our knees touching under the table. The physical parts are all a little easier now after the sex broke the ice a bit.
I guess this little charade of ours is starting to feel routine, too. That has to be what explains the genuine glimmer in Alana’s blue eyes when she smiles at me. How she scoots her chair just a little closer to mine as the meal progresses. The way she places her hand on top of mine as she tells Rainbow stories about her animal clinic and our friends and life together back home in Honey Hill.
To her, this might all be a game. But for me? I’m struggling with the emotional parts. Having to look her in the eye. Having to fake a smile.Hating every minute of this lie and wishing she were mine for real.
Apparently sex—especially sex with someone who’s no longer mine—makes the whole ‘fake married’ thing a whole lot harder.
But seriously, since it’s starting to look like that freaking road is never going to get cleared, I’m going to have to try harder at fulfilling my fake marriage duties.
After dinner, it’s already dark outside. It smells of rain as Alana and I quietly walk back to our little one-room cabin.
Stuck in a cozy shack with a beautiful woman I’m crazy about…In another reality, this situation would have been an incredible, relaxing vacation. But with us, it’s almost unbearable.
If I thought shit was awkward before, I was sorely mistaken. Once back inside the cabin, the conversation and stuffiness is more stilted than ever.
“I, uh, picked up a few snacks for you.” I hand over the grocery bag from earlier.
“Oh. Thank you.”
She rummages around in the bag. When she sees the ice cream, her eyes widen. “Strawberry swirl…” Her head jerks up. “You remembered?”
I tip my head to the side. “Of course I remembered.” I remember every single detail about her. But I don’t know how to say that out loud without making things weird.
A grateful smile covers her lips. “Thank you, Davis.”
All I can do is nod.