Page 28 of Suited for Love
What remains can barely even be classified as a ruin. Chunks of the walls are missing, and the spiral steps are crumbling with age.
Huddled inside, I'm more or less protected from the might of the wind—unless the wall comes crashing down on my head. The fact that it's already missing its top and the majority of one side isn't reassuring.
A loud crack of thunder vibrates through my entire body, bringing a whimper to my lips. The rainfall intensifies, hurled down from the clouds like bits of shrapnel. Reluctantly, I unzip my life vest and slide my arms out of it. Stuck on a tiny island surrounded by water, taking it off is probably really stupid.
But I've already done so many stupid things today…what's one more?
Curling up in the fetal position, I tuck as much of my body under the vest as possible. The damp and cold of the stone floor seeps through my clothes and into my bones, but the vest dulls the pounding of the rain and may offer minimal protection if the stone walls do come crashing down.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Kayaking was fun. And dare I say?Easy.
Jared was right about the dolphins. Within minutes, I counted more than five bobbing up and down in the water around my little boat. And two were babies!
I managed to snap a photo and shoot Cara a text. "Fundraiser couldn't have gone better. And look! Now I'm kayaking with baby dolphins. BABY DOLPHINS1! I love Friendly and you will too. Come visit soon."
I love Friendly. It's true. I didn't think it was possible, but now, I can't imagine ever wanting to leave.
After sending the message, the kayak paddle slipped from my grasp, falling into the water. In my mad dash to catch it, almost flipping the kayak, there was no chance of holding onto the phone. I don't know exactly when it fell into the water, only that it was inevitable. It was destined for a burial at sea.
But I made it to the lighthouse, heaved the kayak up onto the rocks, and hiked to the ruins. As the sun started to dip in the sky, I decided it was time to get back to shore to watch the sunset with Tuck like always. Only, when I stepped out of the ruined lighthouse, I saw that the majority of the island was gone, along with the kayak. Thwarted by the high tide, once again.
Shortly after that, it started to rain.
Had Jared remembered to leave a note for Tuck telling him where I was? Would he be coming to rescue me?
Please, Tuck. Please come for me. Soon.
Another terrifying clap of thunder rattles the walls. I squeeze into an even tighter ball until almost my entire body manages to fit underneath the life vest.
The wind howls through the crumbling stone, playing tricks on my mind, shrieking my name.
I peek out from beneath the vest. "Tuck?"
He falls to his knees onto the rough stone floor beside me, pulling me into a seating position and wrapping his arms around me.
"Thank, God," he murmurs into my hair, repeating the words over and over. "Thank, God. Thank, God. Thank you, God."
I tuck my face into his chest, which is uncomfortable against his bulky life vest. But I don't care. I'll take Tuck however I can get him. The tears flow freely, and I'm both immensely relieved that he's here, and embarrassed for him to see me like this.
"How did you know I was here?"
He strokes my hair. "The kayak washed up on shore. I saw a note from Jared that you'd rented it. It didn't say where you went, but I remembered that we'd talked about the lighthouse." He takes a shuddering breath and I realize that he's upset.
"Tuck? Are you okay?"
"I've never been more frightened in my life. I thought I'd lost you."
"You'll never lose me."
"Swear it?" His voice is rough, pained, and a little bit desperate.
"I swear it."
His lips brush mine just as his handheld radio crackles to life. "Tuck, are you there, Tuck?"