Page 12 of Knot on My Watch
He could take me right here in the water. We could fuck against the pylon with his mouth pressed hard against mine to muffle my cries.
“Sweetling,” he softly groaned and pressed his cheek to the top of my head. “We need to focus. Fuck, I’m so hard.”
Yes, focus on that hardness. My hand slinked down to his pants and the bulge pressed against the zipper.
Levi nudged my hand away, and I whimpered. “They’re going to be watching the pier. They know the rest of the team will return, and we need to warn them. I’m sure someone around here has already called the police, but we need to be gone before then.” He held me in place by my arm as he drifted around the pylon a little ways to sneak a peek. “Okay. There’s a rental speed boat anchored out there. We’re going to swim to it, but we have to stay under the water as much as possible.”
More underwater swimming? I almost died to get to our current hiding spot. Panic jolted through me again, and I grasped the front of his shirt. “No. We’ll stay here. We can wait them out.”
“We can’t. I don’t trust that the police can protect us.” Levi caressed my cheek and held my chin so that my gaze was locked with his. “You can do this, Callista. I’m a professional. I can hold my breath for over two minutes—”
“I can’t!” I squeaked and tightened my grip on him. This was insane. There was no way we could get to that boat without being noticed.
“You can,” Levi stated calmly. “Thirty seconds. That’s all I ask you to hold your breath for, and then I’ll bring you up for air. You can do it.” I shook my head desperately as he pushed off the pylon. “I’ve got you and won’t let go. I won’t let you die. So breathe…” He inhaled deeply and nodded encouragement for me to do the same. “Slow in and out. There you go, sweetling.” He smiled and it somehow eased my fear just a tiny bit. “Exhale completely, long and slow. Then inhale so you fill your lungs fully.”
I did as he instructed, and the second I felt that I couldn’t hold any more air in my body, Levi pulled us underwater and started to swim as fast as a shark. The fact that he dragged me along with him didn’t seem to slow him one bit.
We cleared the pier and were out in open water. Would the gunmen see us? What if it was their boat we were heading to and we put ourselves right into their hands?
My lungs started to ache. How long had it been? It had to be more than thirty seconds.
I tugged on my wrist that he held and pointed upward. The air in me exploded outward.Don’t breathe in, don’t breathe in.
We weren’t going to make it. I was going to drown here on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.
Our heads burst out of the water, and I turned so fast that I almost smashed the side of my face against the buoy we were hiding behind.
“Breathe. You’re doing good, Callista. Really good.” Levi brushed my wet locks out of my face.
Good? Nothing about this was good.
“Two more times and then we’ll be there. Exhale.” Levi instructed, doing the same himself. At least he was giving me time to prepare myself. “Now inhale. Big full lungs.”
Once done, Levi had us underwater again. I tried to kick as fast as he did, but he was a machine. The water whooshed by so that I could barely see. My eyes were beyond burning. It was like there were needles in them.
We seemed to rise up faster the second time. He didn’t say anything, but allowed me to follow his lead in drawing in a deep breath before taking us under. My shoulder throbbed as if my arm had been pulled out of its socket. I couldn’t keep doing this.
Too fast, too far. I wasn’t going to make it. My body screamed for air.
I sucked in a mouthful of seawater and choked. My body tried to rid me of it and get a breath at the same time. I flailed, clawing at him to let me go.
Finally we surfaced and one of my hands smacked against the white side of a boat. I coughed, bringing up water. Levi held me against him and patted my back. “Get it out, Callista. Every drop.”
When I finally spat out the last bit of salty water, I leaned my head against his shoulder and let out a sob. My head throbbed and everything hurt. I couldn’t do that again. Not ever.
“You made it, sweetling. You did it.” Levi kissed my forehead. “I’m so proud of you.”
The kiss was warm and tender and entirely unexpected. My stomach did flips and not in an I’m-going-to-be-sick sort of way. This incredibly hot Alpha had saved my life and now he was being so wonderful about it, saying he was proud of me.
I didn’t sense any hint of pity or mockery in his voice. Not at all like when my father or Grant gave me compliments. Levi really meant it. And for whatever reason, it made me feel good to know that I had impressed him.
“I’m going around to the rear of the boat and board it. I’ll put on a life jacket so I look like just a tourist. Then I’m going to pull you up.” Levi glanced down at me and his mouth quirked with a hint of a smirk. “We’re going to have to get rid of that red dress, sweetling. If someone has seen you, you’re an easy target with that dress. Your underclothes will look like a bikini from far away, and once we get a life jacket on you too, we won’t attract any more unwanted attention.”
Heat rushed into my cheeks. Take off my dress? I’d be nearly naked. Nearly naked with a sexy Alpha.
There’s no way that was appropriate. No way my father would ever approve of it. I kicked myself for that thought. Why did I care how my father felt? I was trying to stay alive. Levi’s request made sense… right?
Yes, it did make sense. He was worried I’d be a target, and the red dress did stand out. I’d worn bikinis before… but only with friends and family.