Page 29 of Knot on My Watch
A smirk and giggle escaped me as I lowered my voice to a whisper. “I lost my virginity in the back of a van!”
Kienna covered her face again and let out another great muffled squeal as she sat up, hopping on her knees on the bed. “You naughty girl, you!” She laughed and then sighed. “I’m so very jealous, you know?”
I hadn’t called to brag to her. Far from it. What I needed was to share what was going on with someone who wouldn’t judge me and would help me feel better. “Don’t be. It’s not like I’m going to be here long. I’ll likely never see any of them again. Then I’ll be stuck with Carson. Being in heat is… ugh, I don’t like being so out of control. When it comes on, I can’t think of anything else. And it hurts if I don’t get relief.”
“But you’re getting relief, right? Big hunky Alpha cock relief!” She waggled her brows and winked. “Maybe one of them will claim you. Then you never have to see Carson again. You can ask them if they don’t, and I don’t see why any of those Alphas wouldn’t. You’re smart, kind, and sexy as all hell.”
“Like my father would let that happen,” I huffed, pouting. “I keep trying to tell myself to enjoy the moment, but I think… I think it’s more than just wanting them to give me relief. I really like them. All of them. God, I never imagined I could see a future with three Alphas.”
“Uncle Julian can’t do a thing once you’re claimed,” Kienna stated firmly and then scrunched up her face. “Well, he could publicly shame you, disown you, and make sure no one from the family ever speaks to you again. Except me. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
“I love you, Ki. I wish I could give you a hug right now.” Everything was a mess, but at least my bestie was there for me and would always be there.
“Love you too. You’ll get through this. You’re the strongest person I know.” Kienna smiled. “Call me any time. I’m stuck here in the manor. Uncle Julian has everyone on lockdown. My dad isn’t even allowed to come home from London, and he promised me Ireland this summer. My only entertainment is hunting down Gerard and watching him walk really fast in the other direction away from me!”
I snorted a laugh. Our butler thought Kienna was too wild and wanted nothing to do with her. But my smile faded to a frown. “Why does my father have everyone locked down? I’m in a safe house and Carson is in the hospital. He shouldn’t have anything to worry about.”
She shrugged. “I don’t know what’s up his ass, but everyone does whatever Julian says.”
That hadn’t changed. Everyone was under Julian Birk’s thumb. “I wish you could come here.”
“And interrupt your orgy? You enjoy all that hard cock, girl.”
My stomach growled loud enough that my cousin heard it over the call and chuckled. I sighed. “I should get something to eat. I haven’t had anything since breakfast.”
“Go feed yourself. Being in heat takes a lot of energy. Call me tomorrow morning when you’re rested and fed, and then you can give me all the details about these Alphas. Like who’s dick is the biggest!”
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. “You’re incorrigible. Okay, Ki. Have a good night. Tell Nicolette and Aubrielle I’m okay and that I miss them too.”
“Will do. Take care, Calli.” Kienna air kissed the camera and the call ended.
I switched off my tablet and the smile remained on my face. Talking to her was exactly what I needed. Now if I could make my brain just focus on food, then I wouldn’t start worrying about everything again.
Slipping on my runners because my feet were still a little sore, I headed out of the room. The dress and the shoes were a bad fashion statement, but I didn’t have anyone to impress here. And that was nice.
The scent of coffee filtered down the hall, and oh, that was lovely too. Nearing the entrance to the kitchen, I stopped as I heard voices. Deep, serious voices.
“I don’t think any of this is what it seems. Not after today.” That was Evander. I would recognize his rumbling tone anywhere.
“It’s too sophisticated of an operation.” Talis agreed, his voice low and even.
I leaned against the wall, continuing to listen in.
“Here’s what I think.” Levi was in there too. His stressed voice showed a little more of his British accent. “If the assassins today wanted Grant dead, he would be dead. The food could have so easily been poisoned. Or a drink. Or they could have put something in the IV. There would be much easier and subtler ways to do it. So why the guns?”
He made an excellent point. Why did the assassins attack in that way?
“The fucker would be so easy to kill.” Evander grunted. “I think it’s all a show that got out of hand. Grant arranged for a little fake assassination attempt to show the public how important he is and it went too far.”
“That would make sense, especially since we’ve not found anything on those who oppose him.” Levi paused and then added, “But again, why so big? That was much too much downtown. All he would need was one gunman with blanks. No one got hurt. We take the bad man down. Grant is saved and can brag about it.”
I wouldn’t put it past Carson to do it. And if it was true, I was going to be so pissed off. I’d been ready to stand up to him in the hospital room when he told me to get his lunch, but if all those innocent people died because of his ego, I would spit in his face and walk away. Screw what my father had planned. I refused to be claimed by a murderer.
“Now that I think about it, I don’t think Grant has the balls to do something like that.” Evander’s words were a bit muffled at the end as if he were eating something.
“True.” Levi. “But Birk has the balls. He could be fluffing up the new senator for his own purposes.”
My father? My throat suddenly went dry. Oh God, itwasmy father, wasn’t it? My hands shook as I clasped them under my trembling chin. Tears blurred my vision. My father set all this up, not caring about those innocent victims. Not caring if his own daughter was shot.