Page 47 of Knot on My Watch

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Page 47 of Knot on My Watch

Pulling on my dress, I jerked around to face him with my hands on my hips. “If I go there, my father is going to try to lock me in my room. He might try to have me kidnapped. He might send me directly to Carson to be claimed. I’m not an idiot.” I breathed out a long exhale. There was no point in arguing. I was doing this, and I’d rather not do it alone. “I would like you there with me, but it has to be me. I need to stand up to my father and get some answers.”

Evander suddenly enveloped me in a tight embrace. He kissed the top of my head as she spoke. “Fucking right I’m going to be there with you. If your father tries anything at all, I’m going to bash in his face.”

I winced and stifled a laugh at the same time. “Let’s try not to have anything lead to violence.” I hoped that once I got some answers, freed Kienna, and told my family I was claimed, that my father would just boot me out on the street. He wouldn’t want a thing to do with me once he knew Evander and Talis claimed me. Of course, he could make big trouble for us all in nonviolent ways, but we’d deal with that after the fact. I couldn’t be part of the Birk family any longer if it meant our pride stripped away our happiness and freedom and killed innocents. “Please.”

“I’ll try my best, but I can’t make any promises.” Evander tilted up my chin and kissed me slow and deep. “Mm, so tasty, so brave. Your warrior soul is sexy.”

I melted into his kiss. If only I could forget the rest of the world and snuggle with him in bed all day long. My heart sang out a big yes to that, but I sadly pulled out of his strong arms. “I’m hardly a warrior. I’m finally doing something right rather than just what my father wants.”

Evander grinned. “Sexy warrior.”

I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. “Get dressed. I’ll meet you in the kitchen. I want Talis and Levi to come with us.”

He groaned and began looking under all the pillows for his clothes. “Alright. I guess they can come with us. More bodies to protect you.”

Heading into the hall, I ran my fingers through my messy hair and twisted it up into a loose bun. There was no time for a shower, a fancy updo, or makeup. The faster we got to the mainland the better.

I hadn’t thought of needing bodies to protect me. Surely there would be no violence. My father wouldn’t do that at his own home. The attack would likely be our social ruin after the fact, but I didn’t care what the world thought of me. There were only three Alphas whose opinions mattered and none of them were Julian Birk’s.

It terrified and thrilled me at the same time to be doing this. I’d never gone against my father before. There had been tougher people who had gone against him and failed. As far as I knew, no one had ever gotten the better of him.

My steps slowed. Maybe I shouldn’t bring any of the men. I didn’t want them to lose everything, and not for a second did I believe that my father didn’t have the power to do so. The Praetorian Guard was Talis’ dream. It was the escape for all of my men so they didn’t have to live unhappy lives in jobs they hated. My father could take that away from them….

I couldn’t let them lose their happiness for the sake of saving mine.

“Callista!” Levi swept down the hallway to embrace me and swirl me around. “Are you feeling much better this morning, sweetling?”

My body hummed joyfully pressed against his body. A stab hit my heart seeing the way his face lit up as he looked at me, that gorgeous smile of his. Did it matter what happened to me if not only Levi, but Talis and Evander could still have a chance at a good life? My soul was torn in two directions.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” Levi paused, concern creeping into his handsome features.

I managed a smile and hugged him tightly in return. “Of course. I actually wanted to talk to you and Talis. Evander should be following in a minute or two.”

He slid his arm around my waist. It was funny how easy it was to be comfortable with him, like we’d been together for years. “Talis is in the kitchen. There’s coffee, tea, fruit, anything your sweet heart desires.”

My stomach growled in response. I hadn’t realized that I was starving. I could eat and talk. “You’re in a good mood this morning.”

Levi chuckled and winked. “I’ve got the most beautiful woman in the world in my arms.”

“Flagrant over-flatterer.” I giggled and playfully nudged him.

“Only when it’s the truth.” He stole a quick kiss on my neck as he opened the kitchen door for me. “Plus, our contract with the senator is null and void. We don’t have to deal with him any longer. The asshat broke it by lying to us about yesterday’s threat and hiding information. Our honor is intact and his is not.”

Now this was excellent news. The Praetorian Guard had lost so many of their teammates—their friends—and bent over backwards to please Carson. Talis would have stuck it out to the end. Yet now they didn’t have to deal with that bastard anymore. They were out of danger.

No, that was a lie. Them coming with me to my family’s home was dangerous. I wanted them to go with me, but that was so selfish. I also needed them to be safe and happy.

The second I stepped into the kitchen, Talis was by my side and brushing my lips with a soft kiss. “Good morning. I’m so glad to see you.”

“Good morning.” A rush of contentment filled me. Standing in the kitchen made golden by the morning light, I stood between two amazing Alphas who looked at me like they were about to drop down to their knees and worship me. I wanted this every morning. “Should I congratulate you on the good news?”

“I heard Levi telling you, even though I’d said we should discuss it more carefully.” Talis gave Levi a chastising look.

“What?” Levi only smirked. “I knew Callista would want to hear about it right away.”

I was glad to know. It was one less worry on a mountain of them. “What exactly happened?”

Talis went to the island and poured a cup of tea, mixing in a little sugar before handing it to me. “We got a call from the senator in the morning that there was a new threat. He gave our team emails with threats against his life and claimed it to be an eco-warrior organization who wanted his head on a stake because he allowed more logging in the state. What he didn’t tell us was that he was sleeping with his nurse, and the eco-warriors were actually her angry brothers. They did come to the gates, drunk as skunks, and puked on his driveway. They had no weapons. The local police took them away to sleep it off in their drunk tank. Grant claimed the brothers said they were coming with an army, but when we finally found the real emails, they were just drunken ramblings with the only real threat being taking his nurse away.”

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