Page 55 of Knot on My Watch
I took in a deep calming breath and reminded myself that whether it was negative or positive, I would have my Alphas’ support. Reasonable me said that a baby could wait, that it was all Omega instincts. We weren’t even married yet. We’d set a date for spring, but that was still six months away. I wanted time with each of my loves, to get to know them on every level, and to do fun date night stuff without the worry of children.
But in my heart, I yearned for babies. I wanted to have a family that I could love and grow with, to give them a happy life that I never had. The guys would be incredible fathers. Talis had endless patience and would be able to instill a good sense of honor and responsibility in our child. Levi would be the one encouraging the kid’s wicked side and going on wild adventures with them. Evander would act tough and not put up with any crap, but he would also get in the dirt and play and love them so fiercely.
My hand drifted to my belly. It was as flat as ever, but that didn’t stop me from imagining each of my Alphas holding our baby. My heart swelled until I thought I couldn’t contain it. A tear squeaked out from one of my eyes, and I swiped it away.
“Aren’t you going to look?”
The surprise at hearing someone right behind me had me yelping and darting away.
Levi laughed and gathered me in his arms before I could go anywhere. He kissed my whole face, ending with a long, soft one on my lips. “Good morning, sweetling.”
I slid my arms around his shoulders and leaned into him. My body immediately responded with a rush of arousal. The silky negligee I had on made it feel like there was almost nothing between us. “Good morning. You surprised me.”
“Clearly.” He grinned and kissed me again. “You seemed deep in thought.”
“Very.” I might have stood there for several minutes more if he hadn’t come in. Wiggling against his sexy body, I tugged him toward the bed. I didn’t often get Levi alone. Evander and Talis would not share with me together, but both of them would tolerate Levi, and Levi took full advantage of it as I wanted to do with him right now. “Though I’d rather have you deep in me.”
“You’re so naughty, and I love it.” Levi nibbled along my neck and slipped his hand between my legs. His fingers grazed over the spot on the top of my inner thigh where he’d bitten and claimed me. I gasped and he purred with satisfaction. “Just as I love you.”
Aroused as I was, there was another level of intensity. Every time one of the Alphas told me they loved me, it sang like the first time in my heart. “I love you too.”
There was the sudden pounding of boots thundering down the hall, and Evander and Talis burst into my room. Their chests heaved as they scanned the room and settled their intense gazes on Levi and I.
“What the hell? I heard a cry. I thought Callista was hurt,” Evander grumbled.
Evander was the most ferocious of my Alphas and terribly overprotective after what happened with my father. He refused to leave my side even when my family was around for more than two weeks. When my brothers returned home to take over the family business, I thought Evander might kill them too. Yet Konstantin and Quillon supported me when I said I’d been claimed by Talis and Evander, and I wanted to live with them. That calmed Evander a bit, but he was wary of every other Alpha who came near me.
“Sorry. Levi just startled me.” My cheeks heated. I was also very aware of all their eyes on me, appreciatively drinking in me in my lingerie. I squirmed, growing wetter by the second.
“Let’s not scare Callista like that.” Talis gave each of the other men a look, but his eyes dilated when he turned back to me. “How did you sleep, love?”
“Like you don’t know.” Evander snorted and folded his arms. He was working on the whole sharing thing.
“Enough of that, mates. This morning is exciting! Our darling Omega here just took a pregnancy test.” Levi gave me a tender squeeze and jerked his head to the bathroom where the plastic stick still sat by the sink.
Talis and Evander each drew in a swift breath. Talis looked excited, but held himself in check, waiting for my cue. Evander was struck by a sudden bolt of energy, moving toward the bathroom and then stepping away again, several back and forths with varying emotions. I wanted to whack Levi for bringing it up. I didn’t know how I’d feel about whatever the results would be.
“And do you know what it says?” Talis asked quietly, reaching to take one of my hands into his.
“Not yet. I was kind of nervous about looking…” I tried to smile but I cringed a little at my own anxiety. Whatever way, it would be fine. I had to keep telling myself that.
Evander started to pace faster and ran his hands through his dark hair. “A baby. You might have a baby.” We’d talked about it before, and he’d never seemed this worried about it. “I might be a dad.”
“Wemight be fathers,” Levi corrected. All of them had knotted in me several times. There would be no way of knowing whose child it would be, but they agreed they would love the baby and raise it together with me. Having four parents sounded like the perfect way to cut down on parental stress, but now Evander’s pacing was working me up too. “I can go look, if you want.”
I nuzzled Levi and kissed his cheek. “No, I need to see for myself.”
My Alphas nodded, and Talis lifted my hand, holding it against his chest. Despite his calm exterior, I could feel his heart going a mile a minute too. “We’re here with you. Do you want us to come into the bathroom with you?”
“Yes.” The word fell swiftly from my lips. I needed them all there.
I slowly led the way into the bathroom. This was it. Was I pregnant or not?
My own mother had not made motherhood attractive to me. Even after my father’s death, she was distant. Konstantin sent her for an extended visit with her aging mother on the east coast after the police’s investigation and my father’s small, private funeral. She had never said a word to me. Not that she was sorry or that she wished I had died. Nothing.
I would never be that way. Every step of the way in my child’s life, I would be there with them. They would know how much I loved them every day.
Kienna wanted to be the wild aunt-cousin who the kids would run to when they were pissed with their parents. Aubrielle and Nicolette wanted to be honorary aunts too. Even Gerard, who had freed all the females in the house that day and gotten them to safety, had smiled when the topic of me possibly being pregnant came up the last time I visited Kienna. Any child we brought into this world would have a big family to love them.