Page 106 of Lion & Lamb
MARSHALL: Yeah, yeah. Figured that’s why you were here. Why didn’t Bernstein come down here himself? Hey, wait—you didn’t show me your badge. I don’t think that’s legal. You’re supposed to show me your badge.
LION: The ring?
MARSHALL: Okay, okay.
(Long pause as Marshall leaves, pulls open a kitchen drawer, returns.)
LION: Tell me how you got these.
MARSHALL: You know how I got these.
LION: Tell me anyway.
MARSHALL: I was walking, minding my own business, when I saw this crazy-ass car just sitting in front of the art museum. I got closer and realized who was inside it. I figured he was passed out or something, in which case I would have called for help. But no—he was shot, man. Someone killed him! I didn’t want any part of that.
LION: But before you ran away, you helped yourself to his Super Bowl ring and wallet.
MARSHALL: But I just gave them back to you! So it’s kind of like I borrowed them, right? Or held on to them for safekeeping?
LION: And you have no idea who killed Archie.
MARSHALL: Oh, I didn’t say that.
LION: Excuse me?
MARSHALL: Yeah, I know who killed the quarterback. And for the right price, I’ll tell ya.
LION: For a price, huh? Okay. How much is your life worth to you?
MARSHALL: What do you m—? Hey, come on, now, you don’t have to point that friggin’ thing at me!
LION: Let me repeat: How much. Is your life. Worth to you? Because to me, it’s worth absolutely nothing.
MARSHALL: You’re no cop.
LION: Never said I was.
MARSHALL: I want that ring and wallet back, missy.
LION: Never going to happen. Now tell me who killed Archie Hughes.
MARSHALL: Fuckyou.
LION: I’m not a cop, but I am working for the district attorney. And I have zero problem explaining to them that I found a shot-up corpse in possession of a dead man’s ring and wallet. Who do you think they’re going to believe? Oh, that’s right, they’ll have to believe me, because you won’t be able to say aexpletiveword.
MARSHALL: Man. This week keeps circling the drain.
LION: Tell me who killed Archie.
MARSHALL: I can’t.
LION: What did I just say?
MARSHALL: No, no, no! I can’t tell you because I don’t know their names. But I can show you. It’s right here on my phone.
Transcript of encrypted phone conversation between Veena Lion and Cooper Lamb