Page 15 of Lion & Lamb
DOYLE: Trained him well, didn’t I? He’s better than a German shepherd in the front yard.
LAMB: I’ll bring Lupe in sometime to meet him. They can talk dog to dog.
DOYLE: Okay, enough chitchat. You’re calling about Archie Hughes, right?
LAMB: You sit at the dark nexus of the criminal underworld, Red. Tell me what you know.
DOYLE: Next of what? I don’t know anything. Not this time, Lamb.
LAMB: Red, don’t do me like that.
DOYLE: No, I’m serious. I’m not playing around here. You know how many people are calling me about their bets? This is costing me boo-coo bucks.
LAMB: Speaking of…
DOYLE: Oh no, don’t you freaking start with me too!
LAMB: It’s just that, without Archie on the team, I’m not feeling as bullish about the Birds, if you know what I mean.
DOYLE: If I hear anything about the murder, I’ll let you know. But in the meantime, your bet stays the same, capisce?
LAMB: You are an international man of mystery, Red. I’m counting on you.
DOYLE: Yeah, yeah, I’ll keep my ear to the ground.
LAMB: Right next to your mind in the gutter.
Transcript of phone call placed by Cooper Lamb to a private number
COOPER LAMB: This is the Federal Bureau of Homework Management. May I speak to Ariel Lamb, please?
ARIEL LAMB:Dad,I know it’s you.
LAMB: I’m sorry, I think you have mistaken me for some other odious authority figure. I am calling to let you know that…well, hold on a moment. Can you put your brother on the line as well? I do not care to repeat myself.
ARIEL: This isn’t 1995, Dad. There are no otherlines.
LAMB: This is super-serious and of deadly importance, Ms. Lamb. And your brother needs to hear this as well.
ARIEL: Don’t you have work to do or something?
LAMB: That’s exactly why you need to put your brother on the phone. He’s going to lose his tiny little mind.
ARIEL: (Shouting) Coop! Dad’s on the phone! (Pause) He said he’s coming.
LAMB: How’s Mom doing, by the way?
ARIEL: I’m not a double agent. Instead of this sneaky way of checking on Mom, why don’t you just ask her?
LAMB: I amnotbeing sneaky.
ARIEL: Aretoo.
LAMB: Amnotto infinity!
ARIEL: (Sighs) Coop’s here.