Page 20 of Lion & Lamb
“Professional jealousy or something else?”
“Yeah, there was a bit ofsomething else. Some of them are convinced that Archie was cheating on Francine.”
“How could any mere mortal step out on a woman like Francine Pearl?”
“Don’t know yet. But from reading their messages, I got the idea that some of the players would be more than happy to comfort Francine in her time of need.”
“Those dirty dogs,” Cooper muttered. “Sorry, Lupe. It’s just an expression. Anyway, good work, Victor. Do you have a list of the players who seemed the most hostile or angry?”
“Texted it to you a few minutes ago.”
“How about the ones who have taken a fancy to the Widow Hughes?”
“That would be the entire team,” Victor said. “But I also texted you a list of the players who were especially vocal about it.”
“Among themselves.” Cooper pondered this for a moment. “Think two of them teamed up to take out their quarterback and move in on his hot wife?”
“You don’t pay me to make those kinds of guesses.”
“I don’t, but I’m asking you anyway. You’re the one listening to this chatter.”
“Pretty sure two people plotting to kill a coworker wouldn’t do it on social media. Not even in direct messages. These guys sounded like they were just venting to each other, maybe even joking around a little. Or just being horndogs.”
“Thanks, Victor. Lupe here speaks their language. I’ll see if he can get one of them to confess.”
“One more thing, boss. I’m coming along for the ride.”
Transcript of phone call placed by Cooper Lamb to a private number
COOPER LAMB: Good news, not-yet-fully-grown humans. I’ve decided to ignore professional ethics and totally hook you up with some Eagles autographs. Don’t worry, I’ll get those first, because I’ve got some tough questions to ask, and I’m probably going to have to be put in traction when I leave this stadium. If you don’t know whattractionmeans, look it up. Preferably using Google Images, because it will freak you out.
ARIEL LAMB: Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
LAMB: Nice one, daughter! Now quit blabbering so I can get to work.
ARIEL: Do you have Lupe with you?
LAMB: Please. Would Ieverleave home without my secret weapon?
Excerpt from Cooper Lamb’s interview with Eagles receiver Lee McCoy
LEE McCOY: Cute dog, man. They just let you bring him back here? What the heck is he, anyway?
COOPER LAMB: Lupe here is a Rhodesian ridgeback. But never mind him for the moment. I’m here to talk about Archie.
McCOY: My brother!
LAMB: So you two were close?
McCOY: Dude. C’mon. Are you serious? Were weclose? How can you ask me that? I would die for that man.
LAMB: Looks like he beat you to it.
McCOY: I’m sorry?
LAMB: Nothing. Did Archie ever talk about threats against him or his family? You know, overeager fans stalking him, anything like that?