Page 35 of Lion & Lamb
SHUGGIE: I’m serious, man. I don’t need this grief.
BERNSTEIN: In that case, Mr. Working-Class Rat, start packing your things because I’m gonna have a sanitation crew up here in twenty minutes, and you’ll be spending the next few days fishing your crap out of the Schuylkill.
SHUGGIE: [unintelligible]
BERNSTEIN: What’s that, Shuggie? Couldn’t quite make that out.
SHUGGIE: I didn’t see no Maserati.
SHUGGIE: But…I heard about a guy who’s trying to fence a Super Bowl ring. That might be of some interest to your current investigation.
BERNSTEIN: See that, Shug? I knew you were the right man to talk to. Who’s selling the ring?
SHUGGIE: You must be high if you think I’m giving you a name.
BERNSTEIN: Dude, you’re as high as giraffe balls right now. And Iknowyou’re going to give me a name because you don’t want me throwing your skinny little ass into the river with the rest of your junk.
SHUGGIE: Damn, man.
BERNSTEIN: Come on. Nobody’s around—it’s just you and me, brother. Tell me a name. I probably know the guy already.
SHUGGIE: Brother, my ass. You know the guy. It’s Percy.
BERNSTEIN: Crazy Percy Marshall? From Kensington?
SHUGGIE: Told you.
BERNSTEIN: What’s Crazy Percy doin’ with a Super Bowl ring?
SHUGGIE: I’m just telling you what I heard.
BERNSTEIN: Okay, Shug.
SHUGGIE: He’s killed people, you know.
BERNSTEIN: Is that a fact.
SHUGGIE: I’m serious. You’d better be careful out there.
BERNSTEIN: Always am.
SHUGGIE: No, man, don’t you get it? The line? You know, fromHill Street Blues? Probably before your time…
BERNSTEIN: Try that joke on my dad sometime. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.
SHUGGIE: Your daddy was a psycho fascist and everybody in the city knew it.
BERNSTEIN: Want to know a secret?
SHUGGIE: What’s that?
BERNSTEIN: I’m worse.
8:37 p.m.