Page 66 of Lion & Lamb
LAMB: Come on. You telling me there’s no angle to be played with the delay?
DOYLE: This isn’t like throwing a fight or something, Lamb. It’s too public. Everybody knows what happened.
LAMB: Yeah, but once you place a bet, there’s no changing it. I mean, that’s the first thing you told me once we started doing…uh, business together.
DOYLE: That’s right. Except in this case, the game was pushed back a week, and whenever you go past seventy-two hours, all bets are literally off. So people can adjust their wagers accordingly. Look, I know you’re working some private-eye angle here, but I just don’t see it. If there were a way to make some bank from this whole mess, believe me, I’d be doing it.
Transcript of phone call between Maya Rain and Glenn Sable
MAYA RAIN: Hello, Glenn.
GLENN SABLE: Hey, yeah, just checking in…er, Maya. Seeing how you’re doing and all. It’s been a crazy f------week, hasn’t it? What are you up to?
RAIN: Just getting ready for work. And you?
SABLE: Did I catch you heading into the shower? Or maybe out of it? In which case, maybe we can FaceTime or something.
RAIN: About to step out the door in a minute, actually. Francine and the kids need me at noon today. Something I can help you with?
SABLE: Ah, no, nothing like that. I was just worried about you, kid. And it’s been a while.
RAIN: The Hughes family have been through a lot, and I’m doing my best to keep the kids happy and distracted.
SABLE: What? Oh, yeah. Right. But that’s not exactly what I meant, Vanessa.
RAIN: I’m sorry?
SABLE: I mean Maya. Apologies. I’ve got so many names running through my head.
RAIN: That’s okay, but I really have to go. My ride’s here.
SABLE: I understand. Hey, if you get the chance, maybe you could stop by after work. It would be great to catch up. Maybe have a drink or three.
RAIN: I’m going to be with Francine and the kids fairly late.
SABLE: Well, maybe I’ll stop by there. I haven’t been down to Rittenhouse Square in a while.
RAIN: That might not be the best idea, with all of the media attention lately.
SABLE: You’re not giving me a lot to work with here. (Laughs)
RAIN: I really have to get going, Glenn.
SABLE: No, sure thing. But listen to me, and I’m deadly serious here. Be careful out there. You see anybody following you or acting weird, I’m your first phone call, you hear me?
RAIN: I appreciate that, Glenn, I really do. Talk to you soon, okay?
SABLE: Especially if it’s one of the private investigators on the case. There are two of them—one working for your boss, the other for the DA.
RAIN: I’m not worried about them at all.
11:29 a.m.
COOPER ALMOSTdidn’t see her.