Page 94 of Lion & Lamb
LAMB: Vegas?
FRANCO: No, the Gobi Desert. Yeah, Vegas! Where else do people go to hand over their hard-earned cash in exchange for the cheap flash of a leg and a piece of rubber chicken at a lousy buffet? Come to think of it, his buddy was in just as deep. And look where it got them.
LAMB: Which buddy?
FRANCO: You know, that ass----chef who got himself killed last week.
LAMB: So you think their gambling debts had something to do with their deaths?
FRANCO: (Long pause) We’ve been joking around, kid, but listen to me. And listen to me carefully. This is serious business. Always has been. This is the way of the Mob. They want you to have a good time, drink their wines, feel up their girls, watch their ponies run. Whatever. But when the bill comes, you’d better be ready to open your wallet and pay. The entire organization runs on this principle. If people don’t pay, the Mob goes away. And let me tell you, they’re not going anywhere.
LAMB: Makes sense. But how do you get someone like Archie Hughes to pay?
FRANCO: If someone serious decides to welsh on a bet, you send someone serious to speak with him.
LAMB: What kind of serious are we talking about?
FRANCO: I think you know exactly the kind ofseriousI’m talking about. Look how Mr. Greatest of All Time ended up. Nobody’s untouchable, Mr. Lamb.
LAMB: (Slight pause) You know who I am?
FRANCO: You’ve been asking a lot of questions around town. People have noticed.Seriouspeople.
LAMB: I’d be happy to speak with these people. Maybe they can help me straighten all this out.
FRANCO: You don’t understand. I am trying to help. I know this Mob guy. Capo. Friend of mine. Keeps a collection of other guys’ balls in his man cave. He’d be happy to add yours to the collection. You’re pissing off people. You’re pissing off thewrongpeople. (Pause) Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go shake the dew off my lily. Watch your back, kid. And your front.
2:01 p.m.
VEENA COULDdrive…technically. She just wasn’t comfortable driving. But even though Cooper had tried to pace himself at the country club, he was in no condition to rocket down the Atlantic City Expressway. The mix of vodka and subtle death threats had clouded his mind. Which meant he handed his keys to a very reluctant Veena.
Cooper tried to keep her calm as she weaved in and out of traffic. “Look, it’s a sleepy Monday in January. We’ll have the whole city to ourselves.”
“Yes. Just us and the gangsters you count as friends.”
“Hey, Red isnota gangster,” Cooper said. “At least, I don’tthinkhe is. Though if you’re in business with a bunch of gangsters, I suppose that, strictly speaking—”
“And what about the associates of this Ben E. Franco guy?”
“He didn’t name names. He didn’t have to. But don’t worry. I know the usual suspects—the next generation of the old Philly Mob. I’m not going to approach them until I vet them with Red.”
“You couldn’t have just called Red?”
“Some conversations need to happen face to face. Besides, I thought we deserved a little break. We’ll talk to Red, then rent a penthouse for pennies and knock back some complimentary glasses of wine.”
“Don’t you have to be back in time to pick up the kids from school? And Lupe from your ex?”
“The Eagles just won the championship. Do you think anybody—let alone teachers—is in school today? Hey, keep your eyes on the road.”
“You know what? Before we drive home tomorrow, I’m getting hammered, so you’ll have to drive.”
“Fair enough.”