Page 22 of Whiskey Smoke
She calmed, and her hands grabbed my arms as her eyes opened wide with alarm. Staring up at me, she blinked as relief eased her strained expression.
“Levi,” she whispered. Her voice hoarse from sleep or screaming. Maybe both.
“Yes, it’s me. You’re okay.”
She nodded, but didn’t ease the grip she had on my arms.
“Is she good now?” Kye asked from behind me.
I hadn’t realized he’d followed me in here, and I wasn’t thrilled about him seeing her in the little silk camisole she was wearing.
“Yes, go back to bed,” I told him, staying where I was to block her view in case he was still naked.
“Don’t leave me,” she begged, looking up at me with desperation.
When I had walked her to the bedroom and told her good night, I’d seen the uncertainty in her eyes. She hadn’t wanted to sleep in a strange room, alone. I’d been tempted to just put her back in my bed, but we needed to get her used to sleeping in her room. Alone.
Looking down at her now, I decided that could wait. I wasn’t about to tell her no after all the shit she’d been through.
“Come to my room,” I told her.
She didn’t ask why, but instead scrambled out of bed as if she was afraid I would change my mind. Placing my hand on her back, I led her out of the room and into the hallway, where Kye was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Thankfully wearing athletic shorts.
His gaze traveled down her body, and I cleared my throat to get his attention. A smirk touched his cocky lips, and I was about to knock it off him with my fist. Aspen stepped closer to my side, and this time, I was the one who smirked.
I’m who she feels safe with, asshole.
Which she should. I might like to be rough and demanding with women Kye and I fucked, and he was the gentle, soothing one who cuddled them and shit, but in reality, Kye was the man-whore. Not me. I didn’t lie to women about what I was offering. Kye would make them fall in love with him, and he enjoyed it. Then, he’d walk away with their broken hearts at his feet.
“Go on in my room and get in bed,” I told her and waited until she did as I’d said before turning to Kye. “What?” I asked, annoyed.
“You let me think she was young,” he drawled.
“She is,” I bit out.
He raised his eyebrows. “Maybe because you’re a fucking old man, but she’s not that much younger than me.”
“She’s off-limits,” I warned him.
“Yet she’s in your bed.”
“She is dealing with fucking nightmares from the bastard who broke into her house.”
Kye pushed off from the wall, letting his hands drop to his sides. “So, you get to cuddle her and make it better. That’s unlike you.”
“That’s not what I’m doing. She sleeps better in my room. I sleep on the sofa.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m not blind. I saw that face and body. That fucking package is tempting as hell. Those upturned green eyes, thick and long auburn hair, pale and creamy porcelain skin—and don’t get me started on her tits.”
My hands fisted at my sides. “Go to bed, Kye,” I snarled and walked into my room, closing the door behind me.
Aspen was curled up on the far-left side of the bed, her eyes locked on me. “Don’t sleep on the sofa. It’s a big bed, and I will stay over on this side.”
I nodded. I’d slept with her last night and survived it. Walking over to the other side, I pulled back the covers and climbed in. Kye wasn’t wrong about her. I just had more restraint than him. Like at this moment. She was in that satin excuse for pajamas, smelling like vanilla and honeysuckle in my bed.
She turned around then, and her eyes met mine. Before she could say anything with that sleepy, sexy-sounding voice, I rolled over, facing the wall. Aspen had no idea how fucking tempting she was, which made her even more damn appealing.
Her sister had just been murdered. She had no family left. She was being forced to live here with people she’d just met. She was traumatized. I repeated these things over and over in my head until my eyes finally got heavy and I drifted off to sleep.