Page 29 of Whiskey Smoke
The mornings all started to begin the same way. Aspen’s back pressed up against my chest. My arms wrapped up around her.
By the fourth morning, I just accepted it. Acted like it was normal. I didn’t jump out of bed and run for the bathroom. I stayed there until she started to stir, and then I released her and rolled away before stretching.
She sat up, her gaze locked on me, looking nervous. I grinned at her to ease her concerns.
“Seems like we are gonna continue waking up like this. Might as well enjoy it. You smell too fucking good not to,” I told her before leaving the bed.
After that, we just went with it.
We were on the ninth day of her sleeping in my bed, and I wasn’t sure if she was going to stop. I didn’t want to upset her and bring it up. She wasn’t doing it to try and have sex with me. The girl was really afraid to be alone. And I couldn’t stand the idea of her being scared. That was where we stood with the situation. Except I was now having to jack off in the shower every morning, thinking about her. I had a couple of detailed fantasies that I knew were never going to happen. Especially the one where she let me spank her round ass while she called me daddy. Yep, completely fucked up.
I’d been at the shop all day, handling family stuff in Huck’s office, but we’d all ended up at the house afterward because Trinity had made a full-on Mexican feast with a taco bar, enchiladas, and burritos. Gage and Shiloh had even come over. While drinking tequila shots and margaritas, Trinity had convinced everyone to watch a movie.
We were currently watching one of the many movies on theBest Movies Everlist the girls had made Aspen. I’d never thought I’d be subjected to watchingThe Titanic, yet here I was. Because we’d gotten just tipsy enough to agree to this shit.
Aspen was curled up under a blanket beside me. She wasn’t leaning on me or touching me really. It was definitely the first time I’d sat on this sectional with a female so platonically. Shiloh was in Gage’s lap on the other end, and Huck had Trinity in his lap in the chair.
The idea of pulling Aspen into my lap and doing what I was sure Huck was currently doing to Trinity under the covers appealed to me more than I wanted to admit. If I were the one person she trusted to take care of her, I might cave in and touch her. That body was tempting the hell out of me. Daily, I had to remind myself that she was naive, and if I let myself do anything, she would think we were something we weren’t.
We were becoming friends. That was a given. She was impossible not to like. She made me smile, and she was fucking funny and smart. Hell, I enjoyed waking up to her in my arms. I’d never thought I’d say that, but I did. And it was a pretty damn good setup. She wasn’t clingy or needy. She fucking looked at me like I was a damn king, and I loved it. That worshipful gaze made me feel incredible. It wasn’t like I encouraged it. She was doing it on her own, and who was I to tell her to stop?
There was no sex messing up things. No talk about relationships and shit. Aspen was meeting a need I hadn’t known I had. Maybe it was fucking screwed up because I found myself wanting to take care of her. I liked being the one to meet her needs. It was an odd sense of ownership—and if I admitted that to anyone, they’d think I was a psycho. But, yeah, I felt fucking possessive of her. I didn’t want anyone else taking care of her. I’d had to let go of the idea of handing her off to Trinity. I wanted the job. Gage was right; it was a sick way of getting my kink and not fucking her.
I already knew it was twisted. I wasn’t someone who should be taking care of anyone, but with Aspen, I required it to keep me sane. I had to know what the doctors said every week. My schedule was made around what she needed that day. When I thought about how I had been changing things in my life to accommodate her, it bothered me. Then, she’d smile at me, and I’d forget why I should be bothered.
A door closed, and moments later, Kye walked into the room.
“What the fuck is this? Oh wait, is thisTitanic? Have they done the tit scene yet?” he asked, walking over to sit on the other side of Aspen. His eyes glued to the screen.
“Not yet,” Trinity replied.
“That’s my favorite scene.”
“We would have never guessed,” Gage replied, amused.
I looked down at Aspen. “Kye has a tit fetish. We think he was nursed too long as a child.”
Aspen laughed and bit her bottom lip.
“Shit’s probably true. I should ask my mom,” he said, leaning back on the sofa. “You want to curl up on me, Aspen? I’m a willing body.”
She stiffened, and I shot him an annoyed glare, then put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me. He laughed at me and shook his head.
“You good?” I asked her.
She nodded, looking happy about being against my side. Shit. That just made this possessive shit worse. I wasn’t letting her go with Kye’s horny ass sitting beside her though.
“The tits are coming up,” Kye announced.
“Don’t start stroking your fucking dick,” Huck warned him.
“Not even if I put a blanket over me?”
“Fucking hell, you just got back from Devil’s. You don’t need to jerk off to Kate Winslet’s tits,” I grumbled.
“You’re home early,” Gage pointed out.