Page 32 of Whiskey Smoke
My eyes widened. “There are stables? With horses? Here?”
He grinned and shook his head. “No, but I’ve got to go handle some things today at Hughes Farm. You’ll get to see as many horses as you want. We don’t have any ponies, but we do have a three-month-old colt. He’s a beauty.”
“You work there too?” I asked, still unsure of what he actually did.
He leaned back in his chair and took a drink of his coffee. “More or less,” he replied.
I was curious as to whatmore or lessmeant exactly, but I was also excited about seeing horses. “I’m finished,” I told him. “I’ll go change.”
He nodded, and I felt his eyes follow me from the room. The butterflies were in full force.
Having grown up in this life, I’d forgotten how it appeared to others. Seeing the complete amazement on Aspen’s face when we pulled into the stables made me wish I’d brought her sooner. I had barely stopped the car when she was ready to jump out and see everything.
Garrett wanted me here when the mare that Khan would breed arrived. King, the newest colt on the farm, was Khan’s. He was no longer racing, but his prizewinning bloodline was sought after.
“You like it?” I asked her, already knowing she did.
She beamed at me. “This is incredible. I didn’t know places like this existed in Florida. But then again, my traveling has been pretty slim.” She blushed, as if admitting that embarrassed her.
“Where all have you been?” I asked, finding myself curious.
“Uh, well, Alabama and Florida.”
That was it?
It seemed hard to believe. Even for someone who had grown up so sheltered. Hadn’t she gone on any trips with her gran?
“Yep,” she replied. “But on my bucket list is New York City.”
“You might want to add some other places. New York isn’t as great as television leads you to believe.”
She frowned at me. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. New York City is magical.”
I laughed. “No, sweetheart, it’s not. It’s full of crime, and it stinks.”
“Stop it right there,” she said, holding her hand up. “I refuse to hear more.”
Damn, she was cute.
“Okay, fine. I want to hear a list of things you think are magical in New York.”
She bit her bottom lip, glancing at me nervously. “Broadway. I mean, could you imagine seeingPhantom of the Operaon Broadway?”
“Uh, no. Don’t think I’ve ever been tempted. What else is on this list?”
She rolled her eyes. “Times Square, Central Park, Empire State Building, Rockefeller Center, Statue of Liberty, The Russian Tea Room, looking in windows on Fifth Avenue, eating from a food truck with a long line on the street.” She stopped.
“That’s an impressive list of touristy things to do. Sounds like hell.”
She laughed and gave me a little shrug. “I didn’t ask you to join me.”
That comment only reminded me that this wasn’t forever. Fuck if that didn’t put me in a bad mood.