Page 41 of Whiskey Smoke
He turned over, propping himself up on his elbow. “No. If you need something, I want you to tell me. That goes for all your needs. And, yeah, it makes sense. You should want to feel it and experience it. I’m trying to wrap my head around how the fuck someone hasn’t gotten their hands on you yet.”
He had no idea about the way I’d grown up, or he’d understand.
“So, you think Kye would—”
“Fucking hell, Aspen. If you want me to go murder Kye, then please say his name one more time while you’re discussing this.”
He let out a long groan, then laughed, shaking his head. “You need touched, you need an orgasm, then it’ll be me. I take care of you. Notmotherfucking Kye.”
No words. I had no words. I was sure my mouth was hanging open.
Holy crap. Levi was going to touch me. This was much better than I had imagined.
“You?” It came out in a strangled whisper.
The grin on his face made me want to pant. It was sexy with a little evil smirk to it.
“Come here.” His voice was deeper.
I slid over to him and realized what I had asked and what he was going to do. Would this make us different? Would he treat me like the girl at the stables? As much as I wanted an orgasm, I wasn’t willing to lose this thing we had. Whatever it was. It was friendship, but with something else twisted in there.
“Wait.” I hated the stupid word as I said it. “I can’t. If we—if you—” Ugh. I couldn’t string words together, apparently. “I don’t want this to change us. I don’t want you to be different around me. I’m scared of this being a problem. You’ll want distance from me, and I just … I can’t lose you.”
Levi moved closer to me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. “This will change nothing. You can’t lose me. I take care of you because I want to. It’s become something I’m not sure I can stop. This is just me taking care of you in another way. That’s it. I swear, nothing will change.”
I nodded, my body already on high alert. I was nervous.
“You’re real tense, sweetheart,” he said softly as he lowered his head and kissed my neck.
I shivered. The rough feel of his beard on my skin was incredible.
“What do you want to do? We can start slow. Do something easy to get you to come.”
I sucked in a breath. He’d said come. Oh God.
“You gotta give me an idea,” he murmured as he trailed kisses up my neck until I could feel his warm breath on my ear.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’ve read books, but I don’t know.”
His hand touched my leg and started moving slowly up my thigh. I began to worry if my heart was strong enough for this. I’d never been told I couldn’t have sex, but the doctors might not know what Levi Shephard could do to one’s body.
When his finger brushed against the satin crotch of my panties, I let out a sound that was close to a squeak.
He chuckled and nuzzled my neck. “I’m going to play. It’ll feel good. Just open your legs and relax.”
I closed my eyes tightly, trying to relax as I opened my legs.
“Wait,” he whispered, and my eyes snapped back open as he moved to his knees over me.
He grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them down. I watched in a daze as he took them off my legs, then held them to his face and inhaled.
“Christ,” he said, squeezing them in his hand, then placing them on the bed before moving over beside me. “Now, open your legs.” He sounded hoarse.
I opened them, looking up at him this time. His gaze lifted from my legs to my face.
“You’re not breathing, baby. You gotta breathe.”
I forced in air and nodded.