Page 55 of Whiskey Smoke
“In the living room,” Trinity replied.
Six was here for me? I turned to see him walk through the door.
His gaze swung from Trinity to me, and then he held up a phone. “Got you something.”
He walked up to me and held out a new, fancy-looking phone.
My eyes lifted back to his face. “That’s not mine.”
“Yeah, it is. Levi ordered it. He wants to be able to get in touch with you. It’s set up and ready to go.”
Levi wanted me to have a phone? I reached out and took the phone and studied it closely.
“It has everyone’s numbers in it. He wants you to keep it on you at all times. Any questions, his number is in there, but text first. Don’t call.”
Unsure of what to say, I just nodded. “Okay, uh, thanks.”
“We need a ride to the stables, Six. Do you mind taking us?”
“Not at all. I’m headed there next anyway.”
Trinity touched my shoulder. “Text Levi and let him know you’re going to the stables. That thing has a world-class tracker on it, and he’ll know the minute you step foot off this property.”
I frowned. “Why?”
Trinity grinned. “Because they’re all alike. Possessive, twisted, controlling, and we love them.”
I didn’t respond. I didn’t love them. Or him. I liked him. Not love. I mean, I was sure I didn’t. I missed him, but that wasn’t love. I felt anxious when he was gone, but again, that wasn’t love. It was just me being dependent on him, and I was going to fix that.
The phone dinged as the screen lit up, and Levi’s name appeared. He’d texted me. A smile curled my lips as a warm feeling spread through my chest.
Levi: You good with the phone? Understand how to use it?
Me: Yes. Thank you. I don’t have people I need to call or text, but I do appreciate it.
I liked that I had this little bit of connection with him today.
Levi: You have me.
The fluttery thing my heart did when Levi walked into a room was showing up over a simple text. I pressed my lips together and wondered what I should say.
Me: Trinity said I should let you know that we are going to the stables.
Levi: Alone?
Me: Six is taking us.
He didn’t respond, but Six’s phone made a noise. When I looked up, he was staring at his phone. He chuckled, then started tapping on his screen.
My phone buzzed with another text. I looked down to read it.
Levi: Have fun.
I lifted my gaze to see Six studying me as he slipped his phone into his pocket. Had Levi texted him about taking me? Did he think I was lying?
“Gotta say, never thought I’d see the day Levi got protective over a woman,” Six said, then winked as he walked out of the room.
I looked back down at my phone, feeling all kinds of things that I worried I shouldn’t.