Page 65 of Whiskey Smoke
I looked at her, not sure what to say. It was a hookup. We’d done them before. “Uh, yeah, okay.”
She nodded, watching me for a minute. “I didn’t come here for anything more than what I got. You’re hot, and you’ve got a big dick. But I don’t want to get in the middle of all this shit … whatever it is. So, unless you’re unattached, don’t call me up again.”
I was unattached, but I didn’t say anything. I just nodded.
She lifted her hand and waved, then headed for the door.
“I’m going back in there unless you want to take a swing at me,” Kye said.
“Don’t touch her,” I warned him.
“She needs comfort. That’s all I’m doing.”
I stood and pointed at my chest. “That’s my job.”
He shook his head. “Not tonight. You’re the last person she wants it from.”
I watched him walk back to the conference room. If I went back in there, could I keep from beating his ass? But if I didn’t, she’d think I’d left with Ramona. I had no choice. I made my way back to the damn table.
Everyone was treating me like I was about to shatter. I wished I could reassure them that I was fine. It was just hard to do that when you weren’t anywhere close to being fine. Needing a moment in the restroom to gather myself after that meal, I took several breaths. It was over. I’d survived. The girl leaving had helped. Slightly.
I wasn’t sure who was riding home with who. If Huck had a vehicle here, I figured Trinity would ride with him.
I stepped out of the restroom, and Levi was standing there, waiting on me. Not who I wanted to see.
“You ready?” he asked me.
I glanced around. “Where’s Kye?”
“Waiting on us in the vehicle.”
Us? No, no, no. He could ride with someone else.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he said gently, holding out his hand for me.
I stared down at it, and I couldn’t do it. Touching him would be too difficult. I walked past him, heading for the SUV, but his hands grabbed my waist and held me. It felt good. I hated myself at that moment. I didn’t want to feel anything. Not anymore.
“Talk to me, baby,” he whispered. “Please.”
Talk to him? Baby? About how I had gotten to listen to him get a blow job? Then, he had rubbed it in my face by bringing her to the meal? About how I wasn’t supposed to care and did?
“There’s nothing to talk about. I’m just ready to leave.”
Levi pulled me against his chest. “Bullshit. You’re upset. Talk to me.”
I sighed. His scent, hard body, all those things I loved taunted me. I forced myself to remember why he hadn’t come to see me today, that he hadn’t missed me, that he had stayed here because he had some girl to mess around with.
I stiffened. “You smell like her. Please let me go.”
When I pulled free, he released me. Before I could do anything stupid, like apologize and throw myself in his arms, I headed for the door.
I didn’t know if he would follow me. I just needed to leave this place. I was sure I never wanted to come back. The headlights of the SUV came on as I stepped outside. I made my way to get in. I opened the door to the backseat. Levi could sit up front with Kye. It was clear Levi hadn’t liked Kye sitting by me.
My emotions were too strung out to deal with any more of that drama.