Page 74 of Whiskey Smoke
“Yet. I see. So, you’re going to.”
I didn’t reply.
“She must not be as much like Mother Teresa as we first thought.”
No, it seemed like my good girl had a naughty streak. One that I wasn’t going to share.
“She’s young. She’s going to get attached. You know that.”
“I’m counting on it.” As I said the words, I realized I meant them.
“And you’re going to hurt her. You don’t care about that?”
I didn’t want to think about the future or what this shit all meant. I just knew I wanted Aspen. I wasn’t interested in other pussy. The day would probably come when I would be, but it wasn’t anytime soon.
“Gage,” Shiloh called out to him.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Would you bring me a water?”
He grinned. “On it.”
“You’re pussy-whipped,” I pointed out.
“Obsessed, not whipped.” He winked at me before walking off.
His obsession with Shiloh had always been psychotic to me, but I was beginning to wonder if I was the insane one. Not him. At least he didn’t want to lock her away from the world and keep her to himself.
I had buckled Aspen in the damn car. What the fuck was wrong with me?
My gaze was back on her. I couldn’t seem not to look at her. She was laughing at something Maddy had said, but her eyes swung over to meet mine. When she caught me watching her, the shy smile on her face made me want to go throw her over my shoulder and take her somewhere I wouldn’t have to share her.
Maybe fucking her would ease some of this. Once I had my cock in her, I’d realize it was just a damn cunt. That made sense. I’d never held off from fucking someone like this before. It was a new experience. I was acting like an insane man because I just needed to fuck her. Get it over with.
Letting out a sigh, I felt better about things.
“Okay,” Maddy whispered, “so when did Levi start looking at Aspen like she’s his favorite snack?”
Trinity started laughing as her eyes darted to me. “He’s been possessive since day one, but recently, he’s gotten worse.”
I was smiling, and it was probably one of those goofy, ridiculous grins, but I couldn’t help it. Levi looking at me and wanting me made me happier than I’d ever been. Spending the day with him today had spoiled me. I wanted that all the time.
“I’m guessing I missed the part where he groveled at your feet after last night,” Shiloh said, shooting a look in Levi’s direction. “I thought Kye was going to hit him, and vice versa.”
Maddy frowned. “What happened?”
“Levi being Levi happened,” Trinity replied.
Maddy seemed to understand what that meant, which made my stomach feel like I had swallowed rocks.
“He seems to have taken on a new outlook on things today,” Shiloh said, smiling. “Whatever you said to him, it woke him up more than Kye taking a swing at him would have.”
I could feel all their eyes on me. I shifted in my seat, not liking the attention.