Page 27 of Ruthless Heir
That’s all I’ve been thinking about for days. The need to reorganize myfamiglia, making it what it was by selecting men who will strengthen it. Reappointing a consigliere, an underboss, and capos. Do whatever it takes to ensure the future of the Giannis.
The throne is open for the taking. Question is, am I going to be the man to do it?
“Yes,” I say.
“Do not do it yet, Noah. Trust me on this. I have information you must see before you do anything.”
“You have my attention.”
“We’re meeting at Briar House in Todt Hill.” He lets out a long breath. “My brother discovered something he thought was a big enough threat that he wanted to bring the families together. I’m honoring that wish now.”
“I’ll be there,” I say, because I promised Tony we’d listen. And because I need the information Luca has and to find out just who the hell The Ferryman is and why he took credit for Renzo’s death.
* * *
Briar House is an old, creepy Victorian house in the exclusive community of Todt Hill in New York.
I pull up the curved drive and stop near the portico of the burgundy mansion, then step out of my car and survey the area. There are several other cars parked at different angles, all expensive vehicles I’m sure belong to the Dons and heads of the families Luca invited.
Armed guards are standing in a relaxed manner at various posts under the portico, but I have no doubt that they’re ready to attack at the first sign of trouble.
Instinctively, I check my weapons. My Glock rests heavy in my shoulder holster with fifteen rounds loaded and one in the chamber. The nine-inch knife my father gifted me years ago is tucked in its sheath at my ankle, and two switchblades rest in my pants pocket.
We were given permission to come armed, but those arms shouldn’t be used. The way I see it, they’re meant to be carried like a security blanket. Not to mention, any man would think twice about starting shit when every dangerous criminal in the room is carrying.
Just in case, I slid into my tactical T-shirt with the armor insert that covers my cardiac box. It’s the only good thing I can credit Joaquin for procuring.
A large man dressed in a suit that’s one size two small for him is standing beside the door. Gunn Sinclair. He’s Luca’s right-hand man. His shadow. Wherever Luca is, it’s safe to assume Gunn is lurking around the corner somewhere, ready to attack.
He gives me a curt nod. “Name.”
I stare at him. “Bugs Bunny.”
“Noah Esposito,” he says, checking my name off a list. “While you’re in the house, you are on neutral ground. The use of weapons is strictly prohibited and will be met with deadly force.”
“Then why the fuck let us carry in the first place?” I ask with annoyance.
“So you feel good about yourself.” He grins. “Next!”
I’m escorted over the threshold, past the foyer and into a large dining room. Men I recognize, because it’s my business to know my allies and, even more so, my enemies, are already sitting around the long table, staring at each other with hostility, while armed security line the perimeter of the room, keeping watch.
Rowan Kane, Arran Maxton, Gavin Alexander, Marco Tadesco, and Jorge Ruiz.
Maxton’s lips purse when I sit down beside him.
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” I say, adjusting my tie.
“Apparently, my father’s name is on a list. I came in his stead.”
“A list?” I frown.
“There’s a list. You feel special now?” When I don’t reply because I’m too busy considering the implication of a list with the Giannis on it, he says, “Thought you’d want to know that Shaw is back. They cut their trip short by a week.”
My eyes snap to his. “How do you know?”
“We deal in the same circles, remember? Now that he’s back, he’ll surely want to visit Maxton House. I can’t allow that. So you need to take care of whatever you’re going to do and quick. I want this matter closed and his membership revoked. And”—he leans in—“don’t forget you owe me a favor.”
I nod. If the Shaws are back, I will certainly not waste any time.