Page 29 of Ruthless Heir
I peer at the names again. Luca’s “evidence” that we’re in the crosshairs of a man hell-bent on revenge. According to this, Gideon Black has purchased land or buildings near everyone involved. But not in New York.
He’s right. Whatever was done to Stephen, the Sinacores weren’t a part of it.
But my uncle was.
Having known him as well as I did, worked for him, pledged my loyalty to him, I can say without a doubt that he was not a man who would have ever forged an alliance with the enemy. Yet if what Luca is telling us is true, which all evidence points to, Francesco did.
“How do we know this isn’t all some made-up bullshit?” Rowan asks. “I never heard of a Ferryman.”
“Exacly,” Jorge Ruiz, Ramos’s nephew, pipes in. “How do I know jou aren’t the guan behin oll thees. I never heard of a Ferymen.”
“I’m not behind anything,” Luca snarls. “My own brother was killed by this asshole. His bitch attacked Ray’s place and nearly took out Gunn.”
Gunn’s head snaps up. “She didn’t come out smelling like roses, dick.”
Maxton sits forward, his black gaze narrowing on Luca thoughtfully. “Which, coincidentally, made you king of New York.”
Luca offers him a sinister smile. “My brother didn’t have to die for me to control this city. It was mine long before that, and everyone in this fucking room knows it.”
Ignoring the sudden tension in the room, the fucking threat-posturing and puffed-out chests, I say, “I heard about the Ferryman. Tony came to me after he attempted to reach Joaquin. He believed I’d be more reasonable than him or Renzo.”
“Were you?” Luca asks through gritted teeth.
“My father had just been killed. The timing wasn’t right,” I admit. “But I did listen.”
“Did he tell you anything that isn’t in these documents?” Ray asks.
“He was trying to determine why Stephen Black was taken out,” I say. “I agreed to speak to Joaquin after I buried my father. Didn’t get the chance. I ended up having to bury him too.”
“The better question is,” Marco Tadesco interjects, “why the fuck did it take so many of them to kill one man?”
I look at Tadesco and wonder if he’s still alive only because he’s refrained from any activity that could mark him as a head of anything in Chicago. Not powerless but completely static.
“And better still, why is his son coming after us when the ones responsible are all dead?” Gavin Alexander asks.
Gavin, who runs a large portion of Vegas, is sort of the odd man out, with all of us residing on the east coast. However, his brother was directly linked to Tadesco for years. Gideon must view him as a threat, because he purchased an entire block near one of his casinos.
“And is Gideon the new Ferryman?” I ask.
“It appears so. But I don’t have the answers to any of your other questions. Which is why I called you in today.” Luca stands and adjusts his tie. “We must form an alliance. That is, if you want to keep the power that belongs to you.”
“Jou don believe we can handol him on our own,” Ruiz states. “Miami has olguays been able to handol isself.”
“So has New York. Yet here we are,” Luca says.
“All organizations require a leader. What fucker in this room will take that role?” Kane asks.
Luca cocks his head and smiles. “You’re looking at him.”
Everyone bursts out in objection.
“Perhaps a vote would be a better solution,” a female voice says as the pocket doors to the dining room open enough for her to get in.
A beautiful brunette with large brown eyes and dressed in what looks like a man’s white button-up shirt that reaches her knees stands looking at us with more authority than I’ve seen from anyone.
Luca is the last to turn to her, and it’s clear he’s not happy. His jaw tenses as his nostrils flare almost comically.
Who the hell is this girl that has him so fucking worked up?