Page 42 of Ruthless Heir
A dangerous situation they don’t want to get involved in.
“Why do these fucks always live in marinas?” Matteo asks, peering out the window when we arrive at the Flag’s Point Marina on the East River. “Joaquin thought it made him the shit. Fucking diesel smell made me gag.”
“I don’t know if Black lives here,” I say when the guards let us in, unable to imagine that a wealthy prick like Black would choose to reside in a place like this.
I scan the area, noting the canoes and kayaks piled high on one side, pallets and gas cans on another. There’s a dock farther ahead, but the boats there are mostly skiffs or pontoons.
My phone buzzes just then.
“Stay here,” Luca orders. “Black wants only me and Gregorio. Do not attack until we have Carina. Or the shit hits the fan. Whatever comes first.”
Everyone in the Tahoe watches in intent silence as Luca exits the first SUV. Gunn, who had been with him, was dropped off before we reached the gates. He slunk out into the darkness, his firearm in hand, heading in the same direction but apparently on a different mission.
Now, we wait.
Luca moves down the dock toward the three people standing at the other end. It’s a bit far, but I can make out the figure of a blonde woman beside a shorter brunette I believe is Carina. On the other side of her is a tall dark-haired man with a grin so wide, I can see it from here.
Gideon Black.
“That’s him,” I say to my men.
“Why is he in a tux?” Matteo asks.
Alex slaps him in the back of the head. “It’s not a tux, asshole. He’s just got taste.”
“Shh,” I say. “Something’s happening.” The blonde woman steps behind Carina and slices her blade over her throat.
“Oh shit, she’s killing her!” Matteo reaches for the door handle, but I stop him.
“No. Look. She’s playing with her.”
Although Carina winces, she’s barely received a scratch. I’ve seen men having their throats sliced. I’ve sliced them myself. The usual reaction is terror, squirming, eyes rolling. Not a mere wince.
Unfortunately, her father doesn’t seem to realize this, because he bolts from the vehicle and begins to make his way to them, his arms raised, screaming, “I’m here! I’m here! Take me!”
Before he can reach them, a guard comes behind him and knocks Gregorio out with the butt of his rifle to his head. The man goes down like a fucking sack of potatoes.
“Fuck.” I grasp my gun and pull back the slide, checking that there’s a bullet in the chamber. “Get ready boys.”
Out of nowhere, Gunn appears right behind the blonde. The moment he’s on her, I burst open the car door and rush toward the fight that’s just broken out. Shit just hit the fan.
All of our men empty out of the vehicles. Gavin stands between them, ordering some of his men to remain behind and guard the SUVs and Alma, while most of us run headlong into the thrall.
A behemoth of a man zeros in on me. He bends over and attacks like a bull charging a matador. I’m thrown backward when he rams into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. But this isn’t my first rodeo and I’ve learned to ignore the burn of a hit to the gut.
Before we crash to the ground, I already have my switchblade out. The idiot may be larger than me, but it doesn’t always take brute force to win. All it takes is a quick flick of the wrist over the right spot.
Confused, the man pushes off me and touches the side of his neck from where blood is pouring so fast, his brain can no longer function. Less than five seconds later, he’s slumped over.
It doesn’t take long for me to encounter another goon, this one smarter, but I take him down too.
I fight one after the other, pushing deeper into the fray, until I begin to wonder if perhaps they’re reproducing somehow. Like viruses that won’t stop cloning themselves.
Somewhere in the distance, I hear a woman scream. I run toward the sound and arrive at the scene at the same time as Gavin.
Carina is on the ground, holding her sister’s body. Several yards away is the blonde woman, watching, a horrified expression on her face. Black, who is now on one of the boats, yells something that gets her attention and she loads onto the boat with him.
“Noah, Alexander, after them!” Luca orders.