Page 84 of Ruthless Heir
“Boss, I don’t understand why I’m here,” Justin says, glancing between me and my capos. “If you needed something, I could have just sent it to you.”
“Well, what I actually needed was to see your face when you answered my questions,” I reply.
He swallows hard. “Questions?”
I tug the Glock from the holster beneath the desk and aim the barrel at his head. Pulling back the hammer, I demand, “Why did you lie to me?”
“The camera footage you sent me. It was corrupted by you.”
“N-no,” he says nervously. “It was—”
“Stop lying, Justin,” I say coolly. “And choose your words carefully.”
He blinks, the wheels in his head turning. Then, as if the floodgates open, he gushes out the truth like he’s choking on it. “I didn’t want you to see what Leonardo tried to do. What Sylvia did.”
“What did Sylvia do?” Although I know now that she’s my father’s true murderer, I need to know why. What prompted her to act.
“She thought Leonardo was having an affair.”
“He wasn’t,” I hiss.
“It didn’t matter. He wanted to. She followed him one night to a secret apartment he had. When she went in, she saw the girl’s paintings. I traced their origin for her. That’s all I did. She didn’t come back to me again until after she killed him. I helped her hide the evidence. Please, let me go.”
I look at him dispassionately. To Matteo, I say, “Get rid of him. I don’t give a fuck how. Just get him the fuck off this planet.”
“Wait. Wait! I was only following orders. I’m loyal to the family!” Justin screams as Matteo stands and, without missing a beat, brings his fist down onto his head, knocking him out instantly.
“Emily is my family, bitch,” I say, using the term my cousins were so fond of. Then I glance at my two capos. “Don’t ever forget that.”
They both nod.
“I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” Matteo says, dragging a limp Justin out the door.
“Now what, boss?” Alex asks.
“I think it’s time we have a chat with my stepmother.” I pick up my phone to dial Sylvia, but before I can hit a single digit, a call comes in.
“Where are you?” Luca demands. “Are you in Jersey City?”
“Newark. Francesco’s house.”
“Good. Stay there. We’ll arrive in ten minutes. Gunn and I are on our way to you with a few of our men.”
My phone beeps and I pull it away to glance at the screen. It’s Emily. As much as I want to talk to her, I can’t right now. I decline the call and return to Luca. “What the fuck is going on?”
“I just received word Black is heading your way soon.”
“You believe he’s going to my place in Jersey City?” I ask.
“According to the map of his properties, yes.”
I glance at Alex. “We’ll call in reinforcements as well.”
A second call from Emily comes in when I hang up with Luca. My finger hovers over the Decline button, but I hesitate. Why is she calling me? Does she want to talk about what happened?