Page 28 of Deviant Virtue
He didn’t even look at the briefcase before snapping it shut and pushing it back to me. “No. That is not how I deal with my clients. Once I accept, there is no going back.”
Alarms went off in my head. Something was very strange about this meeting. I paused and watched Davorin like a hawk as possibilities raced through my head.
In a second, everything clicked—all of this was Aleksei’s work.
He was the client who’d ordered a hit on Emmerson’s head, presumably with an alias. If Davorin accepted this deal, it would be a death sentence. It wouldn’t take long for everyone important in the underworld to find out that Davorin, one of the best contract killers, had changed his mind because of money, something he never did.
It would ensure Davorin’s inevitable death without my brother being implicated.
Was Davorin aware of it?
He wasn’t someone who could be tricked easily. If he was aware of my brother being behind all of this, the smart thing would’ve been to deny this meeting. However, if he’d known and gone ahead with it anyway, there must’ve been something bigger at stake.
But what was it?
Immediately, I knew that Ilya had to go. It would give me approximately an hour before the rest of Aleksei and Dominik’s men arrived, but sixty minutes would be just enough.
“Ilya, leave.”
I turned to look at him. He looked shocked. “What?”
“Did I stutter? No. I saidleave.”
He heard the fury in my words, and though he wanted to deny me, he had no choice but to obey. When he’d accepted coming with me tonight, it meant he worked for me and had to listen to every order I gave him.
“I’ll be outside the door.”
“No. Go outside of this goddamn building, right now. Wait for me by the car—I’ll be out there shortly.”
Ilya looked at me as if I’d grown a second head. “I’m not allowed to do that.”
I sighed, barely suppressing the desire to kick him where the sun didn’t shine. “Get the fuck out, Ilya. I will not ask again.”
He took a step back. His eyes were on Davorin, but after a few moments of silence, he just nodded and left. Ilya was definitely pissed as fuck, and I had no doubt he’d have called both my brothers before he was out of the building.
“I like it when you’re angry,” Davorin commented with a chuckle, which I ignored.
“What’s going on?” My voice had returned to normal, the anger subsiding significantly as soon as our eyes met.
“You’ll have to be a little more specific, Kaya.”
I took in a sharp breath. “I mean, Aleksei is your client, and Emmerson is his employee. What’s going on with that situation?”
He tilted his head to the side. “It took you less than four minutes to figure it out. I underestimated your intelligence.”
“Isn’t it great that although you know everything about me, I can still surprise you?”
He laughed. “That’s true.” He stopped for a moment. “What are you offering me in exchange for the information?”
The reason for our meeting had flown out the window—now I was curious to know what the hell was going on. “The five million isn’t enough?”
He hummed. “No. It’s expensive information, Kaya. So what are you offering me?”
Standing up from the chair got him to do a double take. Slowly, I slid my coat off and let it fall to the floor. His eyes followed my every move, and somehow, I knew that showing him my tits wasn’t going to cut it.
And I was feeling a little bit… hot and bothered.
I sat on the table in front of him, a few inches separating us, and slowly spread my legs. My gaze never left his, and as those green eyes darkened, excitement and terror rushed through my body like a wave. It was a good thing I’d chosen not to wear underwear.