Page 60 of Deviant Virtue
She placed the remote, which had been in her hands, on the table, removed her feet from it and paused the movie. Blinking, she turned to look at me with no expression. “Were you following me?”
Whenever Kaya was irritated, her lips would part ever so slightly. She was usually great at keeping her thoughts and feelings in check, but not with me. Never with me. I knew that from day one—I was her kryptonite.
Ekaterina had a heart of ice and a soul of fire. And both of those belonged to me.
“Yes,” I admitted.
She wasn’t surprised. Slowly, she turned back around and resumed her movie, once more acting as if I didn’t exist. She looked effortlessly like a goddess. Like someone had taken their sweet time sculpting every inch of her body to perfection.
“One of these days, I’ll kill everyone you send after me in cold blood, right in the open, and leave you to deal with the consequences.” Her voice was low, though a hint of anger flickered there.
“I’m surprised you haven’t yet.”
“That’s because so far they’ve done a good job of staying away from me. The moment the distance closes, their lives end.”
A laugh slipped from me, and she rolled her eyes. Her attitude had the most effect on me. I wanted to fuck it out of her badly, though not today. We had more important things to discuss.
The decision to leave her alone for the moment was hard.
I had never been a slave to primal needs—I wasn’t an animal—yet she wrecked all of my plans merely by existing. All I thought about, all I could focus on was her. Whether it was her with legs spread for me, or her just existing in my space, she consumed too much of my world too quickly.
“I’m going to need your help with something tomorrow,” I told her, easily sliding into the empty seat beside her. She stiffened for a moment before her body relaxed. Her lavender scent hit my nose, and I felt like dying. Dying from the need to have her bent over my lap and smack that pretty little ass of hers.
“Whatever it is, I’m not interested,” she sighed.
I ignored her. “You and I are going to get married soon.”
Ekaterina slowly shifted her body, positioning herself so she’d be able to look at me. She blinked but otherwise didn’t move. Her mind was elsewhere, her head tilted to the side, and not a word was spoken for what seemed like hours.
Then she laughed. Her laughter was something between a threat and wickedness—a melody so corrupt I wanted nothing more than to drown myself in it.
“Thank you for the proposal, but as charming as it was, I’ll have to decline.”
Another bubble of laughter filled the room.
“I wasn’t giving you a choice.”
Kaya’s demeanor changed instantly. It was as if she’d become a completely different person with a snap of my fingers. My eyes narrowed at the sudden alteration. I’d noticed a few times how she was able to alter her personality to her liking, but I had no more information on that—the only thing I didn’t have was her medical record.
It had either been wiped clean—though that was unlikely, because the digital footprint was a real thing—or she had always been attended by her family’s doctors, with any documentation kept safely in Russia.
“Oh, I apologize,” she seethed. “You’re right. Let’s get married, and then next week, we can have kids too!” Sarcasm dripped from her tongue.
I moved closer to her. Bravely, she challenged me with her eyes. An obscure look overtook her gaze, and her blue eyes darkened. Anger radiated from her, and it made me get another fucking boner. It was like I was a sex-deprived teenager.
“There’s a reason for it, little lion.” She shivered at the nickname, and I flashed her a grin. “I talked to your brother about this and—”
“You talked to Aleksei about this? Why the fuck did you do that?”
I gritted my teeth. “If you shut up for a minute, I’ll expl—”
“Fuck, I want to hit your goddamn face.”
“Do it,” I taunted.
Ekaterina blinked. “All right.”
Her fist connected with my face. She managed to get my head turning to the left, but only an inch. Fuck, I hadn’t expected her to actually hit me, but it made me adore her even more. The golden rings on her fingers had made small wounds where they’d hit, and I took it all with gratitude.