Page 81 of Deviant Virtue
A small smirk tugged on the corner of my lips. Doctor Beckett remained unmoving, leaning against the wall. Another tear slipped down her cheek.
“Oh, you and I are going to have so much fun together.”
My laugh terrified her, and that was how I knew I had her cornered.
I returned to Dominik and Davorin soon after. Helios took Rhea home with a promise that they would drop by tomorrow morning. More than anything, Helios was the biggest gossip and had to know everything about everyone. Rhea took after him that way.
Dominik handed me a cup of warm tea and I despised myself for not bringing my flask. The only thing that would’ve been able to calm my nerves was alcohol, not damn tea.
“Any news?” The waiting chairs were oddly comfortable, though it could’ve been because I was sleep deprived—it was taking all the mental strength I had not to pass out.
Davorin moved to my side and placed his hand on my shoulder, before giving it a light squeeze.
“Another doctor is operating on him as we speak. The bullet barely missed his heart.”
“Oh shit.” The words slipped out before I could stop them. Dominik gave me a glare before he sighed.
“What happened?” Davorin asked.
“After Ekaterina left with Viktor, Aleksei made his yearly speech before he announced that the party would be ending earlier than usual. The guests were shocked of course, but as soon as Bogdan fired the first shot, it didn’t take them long to bolt.”
“Was he the one who shot Aleksei?”
Dominik nodded. “Only a handful of people remained outside of our family—the rest didn’t want to get involved in our feud. De Luca and Karalis remained and took out most of the men that Bogdan sent.”
I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. “So where is Bogdan?”
You could’ve cut the tension with a knife. Silence surrounded us, Dominik’s gaze glued to the wall in front of him. He didn’t utter a word, but he was beyond angry. His ways of displaying fury were always silent, and that was why he was the deadliest one of us all.
It took him a long time to snap, but once he did, anyone who got in his way would suffer the consequences of merely existing.
“He fucking escaped?” My voice was loud. “You let him escape?”
“Do you think this is what I wanted to happen?” His tone matched mine.
As if to protect me, Davorin stepped between us, murderous intent clear in his eyes as he fell into a staring contest with Dominik that was filled with fury and distaste.
“So what happens now? Where is he?”
I grabbed Davorin’s hand and pulled him towards me, which ended their little game. He glanced at me, making sure I was fine, to which I nodded. It wasn’t my first time dealing with one of my brother’s tantrums, and it wouldn’t be the last.
“We lost him. It seems he thought he might lose this game, so he was already prepared to flee the city.”
I gulped. “So he’s still alive and kicking. And will come after me as soon as he wishes?”
Dominik shook his head. “No, you’re no longer his concern.”
I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that you should’ve seen Aleksei. He disrespected and called him out in public, amongst people who used to work with Bogdan. He was furious, and if Aleksei makes it out of the surgery alive, he has a war coming.”
“Oh, as long as I’m no longer a target, I really don’t care about that.”
“You don’t get it, Kaya,” Dominik said loudly. We earned a few strange glances from people, and he lowered his voice. “Bogdan is a piece of corrupt shit, but he isn’t the only one. I can count several people just like him who can’t wait for a war to happen, because they’d rather serve under Bogdan, who never thought twice about killing innocent people , than Aleksei, who still has some morals.”
I sighed. “Still, it’s of no concern to me.”
“Do you think any of those men won’t jump at the opportunity to kidnap and torture you just to get to Aleksei? Or worse, handle you to Bogdan on a silver platter to ensure their safety.”