Page 122 of Awaiting
Bexley wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck and said, “Okay. You’re right: we can talk more later.”
Alex smirked and kissed her in response.
They stayed like that for a while, but then it was time for lunch at the palace with Alex’s family since Bexley would be going back to Kleinland later that day, and Alex would be staying behind. Her father had requested it, and she hadn’t wanted to argue with him when he’d accepted Bexley so genuinely and clearly wanted Alex to stick around for some reason.
Lunch went well. Bexley sat between Henry and Louis since she was now their favorite aunt. Alex didn’t mind being replaced at all as she watched Bexley lean over and talk to each boy in turn, making them feel so special and not at all like two little boys at an overly fancy table with adults talking around them.
“She’s amazing, Alex,” Margaret whispered to Alex.
“I know,” Alex said.
“Obviously. It shows all over your face,” Margaret teased. “Does she have to go back today?”
“She has work in Kleinland to do.”
“When is she going back to the States?”
“Way too soon,” Alex replied, trying not to think about when Bexley would be on the other side of the world and not just a quick flight away.
“I expected you twenty minutes ago,” her father spoke when she walked into his office.
“I was saying goodbye to Bexley.”
“Ah,” he said with a knowing nod. “When will she be returning?”
“I don’t know. She’s working in Kleinland and will have to return to Kansas when she finishes there. Her grandmother was just moved into an assisted living facility. Bex hates being this far away from her. Truthfully, I’m not sure how long her grandmother has, and Bex wants to be with her as much as she can.”
“That’s admirable of her. She cares for people, doesn’t she?”
“She’s the most caring person I know,” Alex replied, sitting down in front of his desk.
“I’ll choose not to take offense to that,” he said, winking at his only daughter.
“Papa, was it like this for you with Mum?”
“Being in love?” he asked as he stood and walked around his desk to sit in the chair next to her instead.
“Did you feel like this when she left for a trip? Like your heart has gone with her, and everything just kind of pauses until you see her again?”
“My, you reallyarein love,” he noted.
“When I first saw her at the coronation ball, I… I tried to keep it together. I put my party face on and pretended I was a completely secure, snarky Princess who didn’t really want to be a Princess at all,” she shared. “I do that with women sometimes. It feels like I should, you know? We’re so lucky to be part of this family – we get to do the things we do and have the things we have – but itdoescome with a duty and, often, burdens. Sometimes, it’s nice to pretend like I don’t want that duty or the burdens that accompany it. With Bexley standing there, though, I just couldn’t pretend anymore.”
“I believe that’s a sign that it matters,” her father replied with a soft, genuine smile.
“I talk to her all the time about how I want someone to be with me because they just wantme, and she does. She wouldn’t care if I lived full-time in a shack in Wales or if I lived here and had people waiting on me hand and foot. She just likes me.”
“Oh, my dear Alexandria, that woman loves you.”
Alex swallowed and replied, “We haven’t said that yet.”
“I am confident you will. It’s early yet. Now, I know having someone want you for you is important, but she also needs to understand that duty you mention.”
“I know. And I think she does, as much as she can right now.”
“It’s a lot that we ask of the people who spend their lives with us. Your mother came prepared. She was practically raised to be my Consort.”