Page 15 of Awaiting
“So, the twins have a nursery now; they’re not just in our bedroom all the time. Our room is at the end of the hall, but we’ve got Nora’s grandma next to us. I couldn’t kick her out of her own room, so we put the nursery in our living area for now. The room across from hers is being redone to be their actual nursery, but my wife has decided that she doesn’t want anyone else making their nursery, so she’s doing it all herself. She already painted the walls green, and she’s literally handcrafting their cribs.”
“Sounds like a real-life lesbian to me.”
“Canyoumake cribs?”
“No, I cannot make cribs,” Bexley said, laughing as they hit the elevator that hadn’t been working the last time she was here.
“I told her we could just buy cribs, but she said she wanted to make them. They were supposed to be done by now, but she’s been busy with work and the actual parenting part, so the progress has been slow.”
“I’m sure they’ll be the world’s best cribs,” Bexley replied.
“Bex, I’m just…” Alice turned to her in the elevator. “I’m so happy.” She smiled wide. “Like, so crazy happy. I still have no idea how this all happened. One day, I’m teaching seventh graders history, and the next, some man shows up and tells me I’m meant to be Queen of a country I’d hardly heard of.”
“And now you’re here, being that Queen, married to the love of your life with two perfect children?”
“Yeah. How does that even happen?” Alice asked, leaning against the back wall of the elevator.
“If I knew that, I would’ve figured things out for myself already,” Bexley said.
“How’s Holly?” Alice asked her.
“Well,that’sa segue.”
The elevator door opened, and they were met with Nora standing there, with a twin held to each side of her chest.
“Tor just peed on me, and Julia just spit up all over her blanket,” she announced.
“Remember, you just told me how happy you are,” Bexley teased.
Alice laughed and took Tor from Nora.
“Hi, Bexley. Welcome back,” Nora said.
“That was quite a greeting,” Bexley replied. “Has he peed on you before?”
“No, but he’s gottenmetwice,” Alice shared. “Did you pee on your mama?” she asked Tor, who just looked at her like she was crazy. “She forgot to duck and cover, didn’t she?”
“I did,” Nora said. “It was my fault.”
“Did you clean up already?” Alice asked, laughing at her wife.
“Yeah, I asked Grandma to watch them while I showered. He managed to get my face, my neck, and then it rolled down, so I figured it was safer to just shower.”
“Oh, my God! Hereallygot you.” Alice noted, laughing still.
“Can I hold the one that won’t likely pee on me?” Bexley asked after watching the exchange.
“She might still spit up on you. Although, how she’d have anything left after what she did to her blanket is beyond me.” Nora passed Julia to Bexley.
“Hi, my love,” Bexley said, holding the quiet Julia to her chest. “She’s so sweet.”
“Did you miss the part about her throwing up all over her bed?” Alice asked as Tor began to coo.
“Oh, I remember that. Last time, it was that one, though,” Bexley said, pointing at Tor.
“They are equal-opportunity spitters,” Alice replied.
“If it’s okay with you two, I’ll let you catch up while I’m going to go work on the cribs,” Nora said, kissing Alice’s temple.