Page 23 of Awaiting
“Can you two take the same car back tonight?”
“Of course,” Alex said.
“Oh, and before I go, I was wondering if I could run something by you since you’re both here.” Alice turned back around to face them. “Nora and I were thinking of taking a weekend in the country, just the two of us. We haven’t had a night away from the babies yet, and we could really use one. I was hoping that their aunts wouldn’t mind watching them for the weekend. We could ask the nanny, of course, but I want them to spend time with you two, and I want you to have this time with them while they’re this little. Besides, it’ll be good practice.”
“Practice, huh?” Bexley asked.
“For when you have your own, Bex,” Alice said, looking at Alex. “And you, too. You both want them, so why not use this as a great opportunity to–”
“Help you get laid all weekend?” Alex said.
Bexley nearly choked on nothing hearing Alex say that.
“I don’t need any help in that department,” Alice replied as the elevator arrived. “We just want to be together, just the two of us, for a couple of days.”
“Well, I’m in,” Alex replied. “I love those two little monsters.”
“Duck and cover,” Bexley said softly to herself.
“What’s that?” Alex asked.
“So,” Bexley said once Alice was gone.
“So,” Alex echoed.
“How long are you here for?”
“I booked an open ticket.” Alex shrugged a shoulder.
“On your private royal plane?” Bexley chuckled. “And how did you know I did a little dance before?”
“You had headphones in, and it just seemed like something you’d do alone while you’re cleaning,” Alex replied, linking her hands together in front of herself as if she didn’t know where to put them.
“Have you ever actually worn a tool belt before?”
“No, this is Nora’s,” Alex explained. “Alice’s suggestion.”
“Alice suggested–” Bexley looked toward the elevator her friend had just gone down in. “I see.”
Bexley had once confessed to her friend that one of the female contractors on one of those DIY reality shows just did it for her, and the tool belt didn’t hurt, either. What the hell was Alice up to here?
“You can take it off. I’m still cleaning up. The hammering and drilling part hasn’t started yet.”
“Hammering and drilling,” Alex repeated, and it seemed like she swallowed hard and looked Bexley up and down, searching for something. “Yes, I’ll take off the tool belt.”
“Are you okay?” Bexley asked.
“Perfectly fine. Ready to help.”
“Tell me about the program you’re thinking about.”
“Program?” Alex asked.
“In here,” Bexley said, pointing to the kitchen. “Program for the UK. The reason you’re here.”