Page 44 of Awaiting
“Because you’re going to St.Rais. Alex is going to St.Rais. It’s arranged. It’s happening.” Alice stood up and picked up her son.
“It’s not that I don’t want to go, Al. I just might need to do some work while I’m there.”
“I can compromise on that as long as it’s not too much work,” Alice replied, holding Tor on her hip. “Is it just me, or has he gained, like, fifteen pounds since yesterday?”
“I don’t think it’squitefifteen,” Bexley teased.
“So, this is your plane?” Bexley asked when they climbed on board the private jet.
“This one is all mine, yes,” Alex said. “There’s a rule that I’m not allowed to fly in the same plane as my father. So, as heir, I get this one, and he gets the much better one. They’ve relaxed the rules a bit since plane travel isn’t as risky as it used to be, but my mother insists on it. Until I have children, at least, we fly separately.”
“Does your brother have a plane, too?”
“No, he flies commercial.”
“Really?” Bexley asked for the second time as they walked down the plane’s aisle.
“No.” Alex laughed. “There’s another plane for all the royals. He’s on that one, mostly. Technically,hecan fly with my father.”
“Because he’s not the heir,” Bexley said.
“That’s right,” Alex replied. “Despite what, I am certain, my parents wish, I was born first.” Alex sat down in one of the plush seats. “Please, sit.” She patted the seat next to her.
“I was going to get some work done on the way there. I don’t want to disturb you if you’re going to sleep or something.”
“I’m not,” Alex said, smiling at her. “Sit, Bex.”
“Welcome aboard, Your Royal Highness. What can I get you to drink?” the flight attendant asked when Bexley sat down.
“Tea, please. Bexley?”
“I’m okay,” Bexley replied.
“Come on. Have something to drink with me. Coffee?”
“I don’t like drinking coffee on planes. The water isn’t–”
“This isn’tthatkind of plane,” Alex said. “Just trust me. Your beverage is safe.”
“Okay. I guess I’ll have coffee, then,” Bexley said, pulling her laptop out of her bag.
“I’ll be right back, Ma’am.”
Another attendant approached as the first one went to get their drinks, and he picked up Bexley’s bag and carried it off.
“What about–”
“It’s for takeoff and landing. You can get it back once we’re in the air,” Alex explained, placing her hand on Bexley’s forearm. “It’s a short flight, Bex. How much work are you expecting to get done?”
“I need to review some patient files from back home.”
“Tell me.” Alex turned a little. “I don’t know if you can tell me. What are the rules on that?”