Page 3 of It Had To Be You
After making a cup of tea, I check my work emails. My travel plans are all set for me to leave tomorrow, and my guide is meeting me at the airport. I update a few of my pictures on my Level Up blog, including one of my rainbow bra.
Lara stirs upstairs. Her footsteps are quiet as she moves from the bedroom into the bathroom. The door closes before the tap starts to run. She’s in there for a good ten minutes before she materialises, fully dressed and bright as a button. She looks pristine in her long rainbow dress with her combed wavy brown hair.
I, on the other hand, look like I’ve been attacked by a cat when I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a nearby wall mirror. I can understand why the animal might have confused me for a bird’s nest.
“Morning,” I say with a yawn.
“Morning. Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” She smiles brightly.
“Your cat was the problem. He bopped me on the head.” Using my right hand, I act out the hit on the head.
“He’s not used to having human guests. It’s usually the furry ones we have to stay. Moggy probably wants feeding. I’ll get him some food and us a drink. Would you like any Quorn sausages?”
Oh, that’s the little critter’s name. I’d forgotten what it was and didn’t want to ask as I should know. I retrieve my mug from the side of the sofa. “I’ll never understand why vegetarians eat those. They taste like cardboard.”
“They’re not so bad. I could make some toast if you prefer. I have strawberry jam.”
“Toast will be fine. What time are we going to Leeds?”
“The bus comes at one o’clock. You have time for a shower and whatever else you need to do before we set off.”
“Excellent. I’ve already dealt with my emails. A shower sounds good, though.” I follow her into the kitchen, where she feeds the cat from a tin. The smell is gross, but the little guy licks its lips. I put my mug on the counter and fill the kettle with water. Lara hums while she works her way around her space. She’s always been a happy soul. While she puts the bread in the toaster, I head back into the living room to tidy up my makeshift bed. One more night on the sofa and then I’ll be back in the luxury hotels or at least a familiar sleeping bag.
We eat before I go upstairs to use the bathroom, and she goes to feed the bat that’s staying in her shed. Apparently, he’s cute, but I’d rather not find out. I strip out of my pyjamas and have a quick shower. All the body wash and shampoos smell like Lara, which means maybe I do now too. The towel is enough to rub the wetness out of my hair. Using my neon makeup pallet, I decorate my face with rainbow colours. Once my feathers and hot pants are in place, I check myself out in the mirror. This is now a favourite outfit of mine. There are only two more things left to add, and that’s my wings and kitten-heeled boots. I officially look like the confident gay woman I am, and I love it. I’m proud to be me. That’s what today is really about. Being comfortable in myself and supporting others who need a confidence boost.
Lara’s fussing over her cat when I enter the kitchen. The toy mouse falls from her grasp as her jaw drops open.
“You like?” I ask, twirling around.
The cat goes for the toy, catching Lara in the crossfire. She jumps up, clutching at her wrist and cradling it to her chest. “Ouch.”
“Are you okay?” I ask, darting across the room.
She looks at the injury. “It’s just a little blood.”
I take hold of her arm so I can look at the damage. She has a few older wounds. The fresh bright blood shines brighter, but luckily, it’s small. I rub her wrist with my thumb, avoiding the new cut before bringing it to my lips and kissing it. That’s what I would have done if she fell in school, and even though she’s the loving one, I don’t want her to be hurt. “Is that better?”
Her big brown eyes blink slowly. She seems shocked that I did that. We’re no longer kids, but we’ve always taken care of each other. I don’t want the social boundaries that exist between other people to apply to us. We’re closer than that. “Much.”
“Do you have any plasters?”
She seems to shake off whatever was clouding her thoughts. “You don’t put a plaster on a cat scratch. It’ll be fine in a few minutes. Are you almost ready, or do you want to put some more clothes on?”
I point to the sky. “I need my heavenly wings, then I’m all set. You, on the other hand, could show some more skin.” It’s too easy to tease her. Stepping closer, I reach for the top button on her dress, but she swats me away. A giggle escapes my lips. Fashion is something we’ve never agreed on.
“I’m fine just the way I am.”
“How are you going to get a girl to fall for you when you’re hiding away the goods?”
“It’s what’s on the inside that counts, not how good my rack is.”
I touch the feather on my top. “Showing a little flesh means I’m guaranteed to score. What’s going to be your memory from Pride?” I bite my lip, amused, and her eyes cast down to my mouth.
She looks away quickly before licking her lips, making me wonder when was the last time she got laid. If the mention of me getting a few kisses causes this reaction, I’m guessing it has been a while.
“I don’t know,” she says. “The parade?”
“What was last year’s memory of going to the event?” I raise my eyebrow in challenge. I love the dancers and floats as much as the next person, but there is more to the day than that.