Page 15 of Professorhole
Then I wanted to do it. I’d fantasized about sliding into Zali, feeling the tight clench of her pussy around my cock. I’d show her just how amazing she was, just how much I adored her. But even if our relationship wasn’t complicated enough, it was made harder by my attraction to Flynn. They were like chalk and cheese, personality-wise, but they fit together perfectly, and I was as gone for him as I was for her. Yes, my queen and her angel would almost certainly be the death of me.
But it would never happen. I was the last person who could get involved with Zali or Flynn, never mind both of them. There were more complications there than in planning a mission to Mars. I had to think with my head, not my dick, and especially not my heart. Zali needed to be my focus, and she needed me to fix this hurt I’d caused. The only way I could even begin to do that was by being honest with her.
“If there were another way of doing this, I would have taken it. I never wanted you in this position, Zali.” I closed my eyes, unable to meet Flynn’s accusing stare. While shame over my actions and my desires attacked me like piranhas on a carcass I had to explain why I’d done it, why I’d thrown her in the deep end. “But you’re the best at what you do, and your mother’s legacy is too important to trust to anyone else. I should have told you what Tris was doing, but I didn’t want you hacking into the university servers. I was trying to protect you. But I know I hurt you. For that, I’ll always be sorry.”
I slid my hands down, curling them over hers and the handfuls of Flynn’s shirt she was still clutching. The move brought me closer to her, the warmth from her body radiating against my own. I wanted to hold her tight, to let her know I was there for her, that I wanted her. Instead, I tried to act with a modicum of professionalism. “Find the evidence to prove Tris wrong. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”
“We’ll get it, Zee. We’ll shut it down.”
“Don’t let Tris give your mum a trial by media. Search the evidence. Find the information to prove him wrong. Take the wind out of his sails and disprove every piece of content for his podcast,” I encouraged, hoping to whatever god was listening that she could do it.
“What if he’s right?” Zali asked, dread lacing her voice. It was my greatest fear too. Her father had worshipped his wife. He still loved her as much today as he did when they were married. It would break his heart, but he’d survive. I was more worried about Zali.
“He’s not,” Flynn responded, his voice firm. “It’s up to us to prove our professorhole wrong, and wewilldo it.”
’d turned back into a fucking teenager in the space of mere days. There I was, happily going about my business, when I’d been sideswiped by the duo who’d signed up for my class.
I had one rule—no sex on my desk. I’d broken it twice after our meeting, taking my cock in hand and coming all over myself in the space of thirty seconds after they’d walked out the door. I hadn’t even locked it that first time—anyone could have walked in on me. Not that it was likely given how quick I’d finished myself off. I was back at it again a couple of hours later when I couldn’t get either Zali or Flynn out of my head. The fantasy of seeing her legs spread wide and Flynn licking her until she was screaming while I plunged my dick into his arse was as tempting as the one where I was sinking into her pussy while she sucked Flynn dry.
Or was the one where I was buried in her arse while Flynn fucked her pussy the best?
I couldn’t decide. My imagination was running wild, and my cock was rubbed raw, but I was still perpetually at half-mast.
The whole situation was a fucking disaster waiting to happen. I couldn’t sleep with one of my students. I’d lose my job. My entire career would be over in a heartbeat because no matter how good my research was and how many successes I’d had, it was still a battle getting a foot in the door with my criminal record. Adding a fundamental breach of ethics to the list of my indiscretions would make me unemployable. Multiply that by two students, and it was a hole even I couldn’t dig myself out of.
But my dick didn’t seem to get the message.
Flicking my gaze to the clock on my computer, I groaned, palming my hardening cock once more. Flynn and Zali were due in my office in less than ten minutes, together with two other students. I couldn’t sit there hard as nails for the duration of this meeting. Unzipping my pants, I slid my hand down, shuddering at the touch against my sensitive skin. As tempted as I was to bring myself to a hard and fast orgasm, I couldn’t. My office would smell of sex, and I wasn’t prepared to deal with questions if they arose. Brushing my forefinger over my slit, I spread the bead of precum pooling there and gave myself a hard stroke. Fuck, it wouldn’t take much. I clamped my fingers around the base of my dick and squeezed hard, pulling my balls away from my body with my free hand. Fuck, I wanted a plug in my arse and a tight hole to bury myself in. My hips thrust forward, my body overriding my mind’s feeble attempt at stopping the freight train that was already out of control.
Fuck it.
I shoved my pants down my hips, the warm leather of my chair hitting my arse as I sat back down. Licking my fingers, I spread my cheeks and pushed in, groaning at the burn of my hole stretching around two of my digits. With my other hand, I worked my cock, rough strokes up and down until I was ready to explode.
Shoving my fingers deeper and finding that spongey pad that was guaranteed to make me erupt, I pressed down. Gasped.Oh fuck. Yes, right there.Another stroke.
A knock.
Seeing stars, I groaned long and low, my orgasm rushing at me. I was nearly there. Nearly at the precipice. One more stroke, and I’d be coming.
I needed it.
A knock and “Professor, are you okay?” in that sexy voice of Flynn’s. I’d know it anywhere. It had haunted my dreams as well as my waking moments. Zali’s voice too, that raspy, seductive tone reminding me of sex and trouble.
My eyes popped open. I looked down. My legs were spread, my slacks around my ankles and my fingers buried in my hole, my other hand strangling my dick. Never mind losing my job—this could involve me facing criminal charges if they’d walked in. Fuck me, I needed to get my head read. What was I doing?
“Ah, yes,” I mumbled, panic infusing my tone. I cleared my throat. “Give me a second.” Pulling my hands free, I cleaned up as best I could, fixed my clothes, and squeezed my shaft hard, willing it down.
It didn’t work.
I opened the door, still having the erection from hell, gesturing for the students to enter and praying they didn’t notice. “Apologies, come in.”
“Are you okay?” Flynn asked, concern drawing his brows together. My breath caught. He was beautiful.