Page 54 of Professorhole
His deep, gravelly moans were like electrical charges to my skin. Every time I’d heard him, my hairs had stood on end. I’d stood outside their door, listening to Zali gagging and Flynn and the professor moaning. I’d wanted to see what position they were in. Were they spit-roasting her? Did she have both of them in her mouth?
Jealousy had bubbled up inside me, the need to tear the door off its hinges and fuck her until she was screaming like a rising tide I couldn’t hold back. I’d come the first time with my fist wrapped around my cock right there outside her door. The second time was inside my own quarters a few cabins away from hers.
With the door open and my eyes closed, I pictured her mouth around my dick instead of my hand, and as I had played with my hole, I imagined the professor’s cock at my entrance.
Like a fucking masochist, I’d gone back to check on them a couple of hours later, listening at the door like a creeper. I’d nearly been busted, too, when Tristan walked out of the stateroom, holding his clothes in front of his groin.
He’d eyed me off like a juicy steak, and my cock had bucked hard, leaving me reeling. The fantasy was one thing, but seeing him right there, naked and able to answer the question that was on repeat in my head was confronting.
“I take it you don’t have an answer for that,” Flynn mumbled. Answer? What were we talking about again?
“I won’t try to push you away, Flynn. I can’t guarantee it with any of her other men, but I’ll bear your thoughts in mind.” It was the best promise I could make because my answer would depend on who she was with. If it was the wrong dude, all bets would be off.
Flynn’s next question was quiet, hesitant. A mixture of uncertainty and unease radiated off him. “What other men do you think she has? Apart from Tristan.”
I couldn’t help but reach over and reassure him with a squeeze of his shoulder. “None as far as I know. I certainly haven’t heard her talking to anyone or seen her with anyone, but you have to know that there’s something there with Detective Fraser.”
Flynn’s sigh was dreamy, love hearts in his eyes as he blinked and smiled wistfully. Yeah, that something definitely extended to him too. They were circling around one another, none of them making a move, but wanting to, nevertheless. I’d even seen that same spark between the professor and the detective, but it was coated in a layer of stubborn denial.
“Yeah, between the four of us, we have the potential for a whole poly love fest.” His soft chuckle held a note of longing.
I flicked my gaze to him and took him in. The kid looked like a cherub—not that he was that much younger than I was, not even two years—but he seemed so innocent. It wasn’t naïveté. It was more an open acceptance of everything. He was untouched by cynicism and greed. He radiated joy and light, painting everyone with his special brand of magical happiness. No wonder he wanted lovers he could share with Zali—he had so much love to give that it could easily extend to a group.
“Putting aside your issues, is there another reason why you haven’t made a move?” he asked, clearly curious.
I barked out a laugh. “My issues?”
“Well, yeah. Everything you said about not wanting casual and expecting everything from her are ‘you’ problems, not ‘her’ problems. Is it you who’s not ready?”
It was a good thing the radio crackled to life just then, because I needed time to sort through my thoughts. It was Sydney Airport’s tower checking in and giving me approach directions. “Received. Thank you, Kingsford Smith tower.” I repeated the directions they’d given me and began the jet’s descent.
After a time, I finally responded, “You’re right, I do have a few things to work through myself. The whole relationship dynamic between you and the professor, for one.”
“Why, because Tristan and I were together?” His voice held a note of challenge, calling me out on what he thought was homophobic behaviour.
It wasn’t. I just needed to work out how I was going to stop myself from demanding the same from them.
Between lowering the landing gear, raising the flaps, checking my approach one final time, and speaking to the tower, I deflected before asking, “So, it’s completely off between you two as well?”
He nodded, his shoulders dropping. “I like him, but if he doesn’t want to be with Zee, too, I won’t keep seeing him. I don’t want it to work like that.”
I checked the airspeed indicator and pulled back slightly on the yoke to slow her just a touch, readying to set down. We were only a few metres above the runway. Slowly easing off the jet’s speed again, I flicked my gaze down to check on the gauges and reduced our altitude a touch more, repeating the process until the wheels touched down against the tarmac.
“Fair enough,” I added after I’d slowed the plane’s speed to a taxi and checked in with the tower again. I stopped directly outside the hangars, where Zali’s baby would now be ready for our return flight.
Flynn interrupted Zali while I unlocked the cabin door and lowered the stairs. She was all business, straightening her shirt in no nonsense, sharp movements and double-checking the contents of her satchel before she followed us out. She didn’t linger, marching straight for the Audi I’d arranged and tapping her foot impatiently when I had to retrieve the keys from the hangar.
She huffed, yanking the door open the moment I got it unlocked. My gut sank, and that protective streak roared to life inside me. “Where am I taking us?” I asked from the driver’s seat, my tone full of false peppiness.
She rattled off the address, reiterating, “I’ll head inside alone. You can both wait outside for me.”
There was barely a second’s delay between Flynn and me both retorting, “No.”
Zali groaned and rubbed her temples. She was out of patience. “Guys, I don’t have time for this. I need you to get me there faster than we’re moving now.” She waved her hand as if to flick me away, and I gritted my teeth. This woman would make my head explode out of sheer frustration one day. “Actually moving would be a good start.” Zali’s raised eyebrow challenged me as if she were the one giving the orders around here.
I squeezed the leather steering wheel until it creaked and laughed off her retort. Through gritted teeth, I demanded, “Answer me one thing. Are you doing something dangerous? Be straight with me.” I gestured to Flynn over my shoulder. “With us.”