Page 57 of Professorhole
“And let you come here by yourself?”
“No one would have even known I was here,” I snapped. Now was not the time for him to go all cave man on me. “But if we don’t hurry up, theywillfind us.”
“Except for the guy you chatted up.”
“Oh, grow up.” I was done with this conversation, done with his moronic attitude. If he wanted to stake a claim, fine, but he’d better get his dick out, because no one was going to presume to tell me what I could do without following it up by a good fucking. I’d ignore their demands regardless, but at least I’d get the spectacular orgasm out of it.
“Zee, please,” Flynn begged, his voice high and sharp. Unlike Ry, he was panicking.
“Shut up and let me work,” I snapped far more testily than I’d intended. “Or get out.” I pointed at the door and waited, glaring at them to disagree. We didn’t have time for me to deal with overprotectiveness, jealousy, or freakouts.
Flynn stubbornly shook his head, the man I knew and loved staring right back at me. “I’m not leaving you.”
My gaze softened at him, and I cupped his face, sliding my thumb along his cheek.
Ry grumbled, “Leaving isn’t an option, Zali. It’s not how this works.”
“Yes. It is.” I executed the search on the database, and once the results started popping up, I began the download. The databases were huge, but I’d narrowed the scope so much that I hoped it would be quick. Still…. “Leave now. That way, if I get caught, you won’t be implicated. At least you won’t lose anything.”
“How can you think I wouldn’t have already lost everything?” Flynn asked. He grasped my hand, holding it between both of his. He brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles slowly, and it chipped away at my annoyance. “If anything happens to you, everything on this planet that I love is snatched away from me. I'm not leaving without you.”
I tilted my head and smiled, love hearts no doubt in my eyes. That was by far the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me.
I grabbed his face, bringing his lips to mine in a fierce kiss. I thrust my tongue into his mouth, teasing him as our teeth clashed together. He tasted of raspberry lollies, sweet and addictive. Pressing my body against his, I wanted to get lost in him. But I couldn’t. I pulled back, breathless, and murmured, “I love you too.”
My laptop pinged, and I pulled away, leaving Flynn staring at me in a daze. His pupils were blown, and his lips still wet where I’d nibbled on them. His beautiful cock was tenting his pants, and although I longed to sit on that bad boy, I had other things I needed to do. Getting Flynn naked would have to wait.
“Right, download is done. One more thing, then we leave.” I inserted the USB stick directly into the server and managed the upload from my computer. In less than a minute, we were ready to go.
I blew out a breath and got moving, packing up my things.
“Do you need to clean your fingerprints?” Ry asked, looking over his shoulder and scoping out the place before we left.
I shook my head. This wasn’t someJames Bondmovie. No need for that.
rom the moment she’d stepped out of the car, Zee was this perfectly poised bad-arse. She was always a force of nature, but now she was on a mission, intent on getting the information she wanted. It was a total turn-on as well as being slightly terrifying.
It was a good thing that I knew her like the back of my hand, because right now, if she were anyone else, I’d be as intimidated as heck by her.
As it was, I was still freaking out.
We were inside a government building, the Reserve Bank of all places, holding onto data that could get us hit with some serious jail time if we got busted. I had images of theBlues Brotherscar chase and the police shootout fromPoint Breakrunning through my head. I’d never done anything this insane or exciting before. But the fear was real too. How were we going to get out of here without getting arrested?
“You ready?” Zee asked us, zipping up the computer case she was holding. With her head held high and a serene smile, she added, “We go out exactly the same way we came.”
“What if the tradie wants to talk?” I asked, biting back my worry. I wasn’t jealous—Zee could flirt with as many men as she wanted. I knew she’d come home to me—but I was scared that he’d distract her enough that we’d get found out. Even a single extra second spent in the building was a second too long for my liking.
Now I knew where Ryder got his fiercely protective streak from. I wanted to protect Zee, even if it meant protecting her from herself.
She grasped my hands in hers, squeezing them tight. “You go on ahead, and I’ll follow.” Turning to Ry, she added, “I’m trusting you to get Flynn out. As soon as you can, park in front of the door, and I’ll use you as an excuse to leave.”
That wasn’t what I’d meant, but before I could clarify, Ry asked, “And if someone asks us why we’re here?”