Page 2 of Bosshole
Flynn had been scared that fucking would change us. I’d brushed his concerns aside. I’d been thinking with my cunt, my animal brain needing the release of an orgasm or three. I’d reassured him, telling him I wanted him. I’d promised our friendship would never change.
But it had. I needed him. I needed my best friend. But I also needed the man I was in love with but was only too stupid to realize it.
Had I already lost it all?
What a motherfucking clusterfuck.
Watching Flynn’s arrest was like a horror movie.
Officers forced him to the ground. My beautiful, gentle angel had lain face down against the cold, hard concrete. An officer’s knee pinned his shoulders in place as he struggled, a gun pointed at his head.
Seeing the cuffs close around his wrists shattered my heart. Like a knife plunging between my ribs, it sliced me open, leaving me to bleed out the broken pieces of my soul.
But not once had he looked at me. Not once had he turned his head to search me out. I wanted to reassure him, to tell him that I was Queen and I would prevail. That we would prevail. But he left me waiting, head hung low even when the officers eased him to his feet.
Ry hadn’t looked at me either. He’d fought for me, kicking, shouting, and wrestling the officers trying to restrain him. He’d probably busted one of the coppers’ knees and almost punched another. He’d very nearly eaten a bullet for it too.
Point-blank range.
No one could survive a shot that close.
I wanted to vomit, bile creeping up my throat as I thought about how close I came to losing him for good.
He was my shadow, one of the few people who’d had my back through thick and thin. He’d lost as much as I had. He knew what grief was, how un-fucking-fair the world was. How shitty fate could be. I couldn’t bear to lose him too.
But I might have already.
I wanted to curl up and cry. To wrap myself in gentle arms and change the direction the last few minutes had taken. Only a day ago, I thought it would have been Flynn’s or Professor Reid’s arms I’d be seeking shelter in. Even Ryder’s. Today it was Ezra’s. But tonight? I’d be lucky if I had anyone.
My wrists chafed as I struggled against the cuffs.
I closed my eyes, inhaled slowly, and held the breath.
Calmed myself.
Stilled my movements.
This was not a time for weakness. I couldn’t let it show. I wouldn’t. My freedom depended on it, but more importantly, so did Flynn’s and Ryder’s. They needed me even if they didn’t want anything to do with me. I absolutely wouldn’t let them down.
I’m fucking Queen.
Shoving every instinct to hide, every weakness, every ounce of doubt and fear away, I slammed an imaginary door closed on them, and locked it up tight.
I could do this. Iwoulddo this. I had a plan. I needed to stick to it.
The SUV slid smoothly out of the hangar, turning to the squat building sandwiched between the airport proper and the private terminals.
The sun glinted off the corrugated iron roof, blinding me as we drove. Blinking away patches of purple in my vision, I focussedahead on the open runways in front of us and the tree-covered mountains that formed the hinterland that surrounded it.
The afternoon was quickly turning to evening, the sun setting on a day I’d rather forget. But no matter how shitty things had turned out today, I couldn’t lose hope.
I had information now. Data that I could check. It was another step closer to proving my mum’s innocence once and for all. I had to trust that Ezra would take care of the USB stick I’d had stuffed in my leather pants. It was the key.
My plan had to work.
I pulled my shoulders back and tilted my chin up.