Page 26 of Bosshole
I hated that Ry was on the outside, especially after the rollercoaster of emotions we’d all gone through today. Hell, less than eight hours ago, he’d given me the spanking of a lifetime, my pants around my ankles and my cunt leaking for him.
But just like only Flynn could do, he smiled at Ry, gesturing to the spot next to him with a tilt of his head.
Ry cleared his throat.
He stalked away.
It hurt more than I was prepared to admit.
“When you fall in love, you love big, don’t you?” I asked, my question rhetorical. “Ezra’s a lucky man.”
Tristan huffed unhappily and squeezed my hand. “That obvious?”
“Yeah,” Flynn commiserated. “But after what happened tonight, I’m thinking that he might be open to persuasion. We could work on him as a team. Take all his excuses away.”
“I don’t want to be scared anymore,” Tristan murmured. “I want all of you. Is that terrible?”
“No more terrible than me wanting all of you too,” I admitted. Scooting closer to him, I hooked my leg over his knee and snuggled close. He was warm and solid, and as much as I loved getting off with him, I loved these quiet moments just as much.
Flynn brought their joined hands to his lips. He kissed the ends of Tristan’s fingers, nipping the pads before letting go and sliding his hand up Tristan’s leg. That move, the possessiveness in Flynn’s touch and his confidence, was hot as hell. My nipples peaked, a shivery anticipation rocketing through me. I wanted them. I wanted to watch them and touch them as they did the same to each other.
With his hand tucked against Tristan’s groin, Flynn leaned in and pressed their lips together. It was slow and sweet, their tongues touching and caressing softly before Tristan smiled against Flynn’s lips. When they broke apart, both out of breath, Tristan turned to me.
I wanted to fall into him, get lost and only come up for air when we were all sated and exhausted. I wanted my legs to feel like limp noodles and my skin to be buzzing. But there was something more important. A conversation we needed to have first. I held back like a good little adult and, for once, didn’t let my cunt speak on my behalf.
I was growing up. I was so proud of myself.
“I know we still have a lot to talk about,” I started, hesitating before I continued. Tristan wanted me to promise no more law-breaking, but I couldn’t make that vow. Not yet, and maybe not ever. I couldn’t promise him that I would suddenly become some law-abiding citizen. It wasn’t me. It just wasn’t who I was, and I didn’t want to lie to him. Not unless it was necessary to protect him.
“I understand why you’re worried, but I promise you that I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you. I broke your trust before, and I won’t make that mistake again, Tristan.”
He nodded, his eyes trained on mine, his kissable lips close enough to taste.
I was only human, and with my broody, beautiful professor sitting so near, I couldn’t resist him anymore. I didn’t want to either.
My eyes fluttered closed as I eliminated the distance between us, kissing him like I’d been deprived of him for a lifetime rather than a few days. His lips claimed mine, and his tongue possessed me, owning my body. I tunnelled my fingers into his hair and sighed as he clutched me closer, rocking his hard length against my calf. “I want you, kitten,” he rasped against my mouth.
“You have me.”
A throat cleared in the background, and Flynn’s laughter tinkled like crystal.
“Hate to interrupt the love-in, but I deserve to know what the fuck went down before the all-in fuck happens.” Ryder stood before us clenching his hands into fists, his eyes narrow slits as he glared at us. Fury boiled in them like a raging inferno.
Tristan stiffened, but when I huffed out a laugh, he relaxed, leaning into Flynn’s embrace.
“You’re right, you do deserve to know,” I conceded. “Sit down, and I’ll explain everything.”
He moved, sitting across from us, his ankle crossed over his knee. His foot bounced as he waited for me to speak.
I walked them through what I’d found, presenting them with the same story I’d given to Ezra. I detailed everything from the discovery of the information being held at the Reserve Bank, the password-protected spreadsheet, the threat on the bank, the chatter, my decision to act, and how I’d hurriedly adapted the patch I’d used many times before to plug the hole in the bank’s systems.
They listened without interruption, until Ry, ever the cynic, asked disbelievingly, “You did all that in the fifteen minutes between Flynn asking whether Ezra had access to the Reserve Bank’s archives and telling me we were going to Sydney?”
I winced. “Not exactly. I’ve been working on it for a few days. When I found out that the Reserve Bank had the data, I started searching to see what I could access, and I stumbled across the spreadsheet.”
“How did you get into it?” Tristan asked.
“IT people are lazy. They like easy passwords because they deal with so many of them. The most popular one is ‘123456.’ The second is ‘password.’ I guessed.” I shrugged, playing it off as a simple coincidence. “I got it on my second attempt.”