Page 41 of Bosshole
If it were any other time, I’d call them out, but I appreciated the privacy they were trying to give us.
“What if he thinks it’s been going on since Zali was a teenager? I’d never forgive myself if he believed for one second that I’d groomed her. And when he finds out I arrested Zali last night… I mean, fuck, Flynn was still in cuffs when I walked into the interview room he was in. I was practically shoving my cock down his throat within minutes.”
“You aren’t giving yourself enough credit,” I challenged. “Roe knows the kind of man you are. He knows you wouldn’t take advantage of either Zali or Flynn.”
Ezra clenched his jaw and shook his head, his lips drawn down in a frown. “He knows about you. He knows it’s always been you. How do I explain that it’s also been Zali and Flynn and Ry too? How do I make a man who’s loved one woman his whole life believe that it’s more than getting my dick wet when there are four of you?”
Rising onto my elbow and trying to stem the tide of my rising temper, I hissed, “So you just walk away instead? What about your happiness?” My voice was louder than I intended, but if they weren’t already awake, then maybe they should be. “What about Zali’s and Flynn’s happiness?”
I exhaled, and it knocked the wind out of my sails, my shoulders falling and my heart shattering into a million tiny pieces. My voice broke when I whispered, “What about mine, Ez? I want you. I want to be with you. I want to grow old with you and hold your hand when we have to get our nose hairs plucked because Zali and Flynn still look like a million bucks and we’re paunchy and grey.”
“You’ll be a silver fox.” His smile didn’t reach his eyes.
“Don’t change the subject.” My voice cracked, and I swallowed down the emotion, fighting to keep my head above water. “He’ll understand. We’ll show him how much we love them and each other. Please,” I begged.
Ezra blinked, clearing the glassiness in his eyes. Tunnelling his fingers into my hair and bringing my face down to his, he pressed our lips together. “I don’t think he will. But help me forget just for the moment. Help me remember what it’s like between us.”
He didn’t add the “one last time.” I didn’t need him to; the words weighed heavily enough between us without being voiced.
I shifted, aligning our bodies until I was between his legs and our cocks were pressed snug between us, my erection long gone. He ran his hands down my back to my arse, his touch mapping my skin. It was as if he was trying to memorize every inch of me. Maybe he was. It was exactly what I was doing with him.
When Ezra squeezed my cheeks, gripping them until I was sure he’d leave fingerprint-sized bruises, I dipped my head and kissed him long and slow. He wrapped his legs around my hips and held me there.
I rocked slowly against him, our lips never breaking as I touched every part of him that I could reach. His skin burned against mine, a sheen of sweat breaking over us as we moved together. The noises he made—the moans when I ground down, the hitches in his breath when I pinched his nipples, the gasp when I bit his lip—were the sexiest of sounds. My cock woke up once more, and when I slipped my hand between us, gripping our lengths, Ezra’s whimper rippled through me like an electric current, lighting up my insides and frying my ability to focus on anything but him.
Desperation clawed at my throat. I needed to get closer, to crawl inside him. I needed us to merge until it was impossible to extricate ourselves. I needed Ezra with me. I just needed him. Burying my face in the crook of his neck, I inhaled, keeping his scent inside me as long as I could. I was dizzy with him, but it still wasn’t enough.
Sliding my hand from our joined cocks to cup his cheek, I groaned at the tap on my hand. But before I could pull away from Ezra, a bottle was shoved into my grip. My breathless whisper of thanks earned me a kiss to my shoulder—Zali—and a whimper from Ezra when I flicked the cap open.
I needed a few extra limbs—an extra hand to support myself while I lubed up my man, touching him everywhere I could. Frustrated, I pulled back, shifting my weight slightly so I could rise to my knees. But Ezra’s legs tightened around me, stilling my movement. “Ez,” I began, his name a devotion on my lips.
“Don’t leave,” he begged. “Pour it into my hand.”
I kissed a line down his throat, sucking on the hollow between his collarbones and tasting the warmth of his skin. Steady hands found ours, helping me tip the liquid into his waiting hand.
Zali and Flynn were right there, supporting me—us—when I needed it most. She promised me last night that she would protect me. Ironic, considering she and Flynn were young enough to be my kids, that it was one of them helping me ready Ezra. But our ages had never mattered. The connection between us defied logic and explanation. It was fragile and yet rock solid too. I wanted Ezra to be part of that too. I wanted to envelop him into our fold. I wanted him to fight for us like I would fight for him.
Panic welled up inside me. This was it. Unless I could convince him to stay, this would be the last time I got to hold him. The what-ifs bombarded me.
The bars slammed down, fear settling low in my gut as the chill of the concrete block walls seeped into my bones.
Shadows loomed over me.
My body braced for impact.
I knew what was coming.
The beating.
The pain.
A sob tore from my throat.No, not now. Please, just let me stay here. I want to be with him, with them. I can’t go back. Please.
“Hey,” Ez murmured, his fingers nudging my chin.
He applied firm pressure until I lifted my face, but I still didn’t dare look at him.
“Tris,” he murmured, his voice so full of pleading that I couldn’t deny him any longer. “I love you. Be here with me.”