Page 60 of Bosshole
“No—” The line went dead before I could finish my argument.
“You better start talking,” Dad ordered.
“Tristan—Professor Reid—”
“How long?” Dad exploded, rage turning his face red as he pointed an accusatory finger between Ezra and me. “What about Flynn? And this professor of yours? You’ve supposedly been in love with him for years, and yet you’re abusing my daughter? What the fuck?”
I blinked. My laugh bordered on hysterical, but Ezra recoiled like he’d been slapped. “I…. What…? You….”
“You’re telling me you haven’t touched her? You’re awfully familiar with her, throwing your arms around her and kissing her temple like that. How long have you been abusing my daughter? Grooming her?”
“Dad, that’s enough,” I demanded, standing up and slamming my phone onto the table. “Don’t you dare accuse your closest friend of that.”
“No? What is it then, Zali? Tell me how it is.” He raised an eyebrow expectantly. “How would you phrase a thirty-seven-year-old man touching you. You’re barely legal.”
“I’m twenty-three, Dad. That’s well beyond legal.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” He threw his hands in the air dramatically. “Five years, Zali. Five years ago you weren’t legal. You were a child.” He directed his cold stare to Ezra. “So, I’ll repeat my question. How long, Ezra?”
He flicked his gaze to me, narrowed his eyes and daring me to speak. Well, fuck that. I wasn’t letting Dad do this.
“Days, Dad. Literally days.” It was my turn to narrow my eyes at him when he opened his mouth to interrupt. He needed to hear this, and he needed to really listen to what I had to say. “There was no grooming. There was no abuse. Don’t bother looking for evidence because it. Never. Happened.” Grasping Ezra’s hand, I squeezed tight, but his remained limp, not returning the gesture. But Dad wasn’t an idiot either. He needed to know the full story, or he’d never accept my explanation.
“There’s no cheating either,” I added, and Ezra sucked in a breath.
I waited for his eyes to meet mine so I could let him know that coming out to Dad was as much his choice to make as mine. I gave him enough time to object, to give me any indication that he wanted me to stay quiet. There was never going to be a good time to tell Dad, but I would end the conversation right here and now if Ezra wanted to wait. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ezra dipped his gaze and gave me a tiny nod. He squeezed my hand but immediately let go. Was I doing the right thing? Was I going to hurt the people I loved by speaking our truth?
“Explain,” Dad demanded, and Ezra sighed.
“Tristan and Flynn both know we’re together because we’re in a four-way relationship. We’re with them too. The four of us. Together.”
“Get out.” Dad pointed to the door, his voice deathly quiet and eyes trained on Ezra.
“Don’t you dare. Get out of my house. Lose my number and if you know what’s good for you, you and your professor had better stay away from my daughter too.”
“Dad—” I warned.
“No, Zali. You’re young, you’re beautiful, you have a lot of money. These men—”
“Don’t want me for that,” I finished for him, my voice softening. I went to him and slipped my hands into his. “You need to trust me, Dad. You do with everything else. Please, do it with this too.”
He shook his head. “Zali, it was my job to protect you, and I failed. They’re taking advantage of you. I know you think they love you, but men are bastards. People in general are shitty, not just men. But men in particular think with their….”
“Dicks, Dad. You can say it.” I smirked, but he didn’t reciprocate, so I leaned in close and whispered conspiratorially, “But, thing is, I have the biggest one of the lot of them.”
I pulled him into a hug and squeezed him tight. His arms eventually wound their way around my shoulders, and I snuggled into the chest of the best man I’d ever met—the one who’d been my first love and who would always hold the most special place in my heart.
“I love you, Dad. Don’t think for a second that you’ve failed me because it’s not even close to that. You taught me how to look after myself.” I pulled back and took his hands again.
“You taught me what to expect from a partner. You showed me how to love big in the way you loved Mum. And we do love each other, Dad. It’s unconventional, yes, but they’re good men. You know that about Flynn. You know that about Ezra too. Don’t let this destroy your friendship with him. I’ll never forgive myself.”
“It’s not right, Zali,” he mumbled, but his voice no longer held any conviction.
I looked for Ezra, waiting for him to step up and make this right.
But the room was empty.