Page 90 of Bosshole
Ezra was right there too, his cock swelling and hardening impossibly before he unloaded on me, his cum mixing with the diamonds in my necklace.
“Ry,” Tristan barked. “Let go. Give it to her.”
Ryder stepped forward, and my heart stopped, anticipation thrumming through my veins. This was it, the moment that would change everything. I’d wanted everything he’d give me for so long, and I was finally getting it. On the inside, I was squealing and doing a happy dance. Relief and wonder warred for prime spot.
I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, from the way he held himself, the intensity in his eyes. It was as if he was a storm and I was a lightning rod, reaching up to him, beckoning his spark to connect with me.
He moved his fist fast, sliding it over his thick cock. Watching him get closer again, almost within touching distance was a tease. A temptation.Hewas a temptation. Effervescent zings danced under my skin like champagne bubbles popping inside me.
Ryder groaned, his body going rigid as he pointed his cock toward my mouth. Pulse after pulse of his cum landed on my tongue, and I greedily lapped it up, swallowing all his salty essence. God, just seeing him come was enough to ramp me up again, to send me soaring toward the edge of another orgasm that would claim me.
Flynn thrust again, just enough that Tristan would feel every one of his piercings caressing his cock through the thin walls between my cunt and arse. I choked out a cry and shuddered, my entire body oversensitive and buzzing.
Tristan roared, pressing deep inside me and emptying himself into my body.
Ry fed me his cock, pressing his softening dick inside my mouth. “Clean me, baby girl,” he ordered.
My eyes rolled back in my head as I laved my tongue over him, sucking him clean. Ezra fell forward, dropping his weight on his elbows, his hand brushing Ry’s sac as he moved. Another spurt of cum landed on my tongue, and I greedily lapped it up, but he was gone before I could take him all in.
Spinning on his heel, he strode out of the room like his arse was on fire, the soles of his shoes clicking on the timber floors.
was wrapped up in the down quilt from one of the spare rooms, my laptop on my knees and a cup of steaming tea in my hands. It was still early, not even 11:00 pm, but it was quiet at the villa. My guys were all inside doing their thing, but I’d needed a moment to decompress. Things were intense between us and I loved it, but I also needed to keep my head in the game. I could easily crash and sleep for a week—the ball and orgasms had worked me into an exhausted stupor—but if I did that, I’d risk the entire mission. As it was, guilt ate at me. My number one priority should have been to get into the Bank’s site, not get laid. But the progress I’d made with Ry was worth it.
Now, though, I needed to act. I had a limited window of opportunity when I knew Moragreiga wouldn’t be trying to log in to the bank’s systems and I needed to jump on it. I couldn’t just log in either. I had to get my computer to “talk” to their system as if it were a legitimate piece of hardware. Having an image of Moragreiga’s retinal scan was irrelevant if I couldn’t trick the security protocols in the software the bank used into thinking that my computer was a retinal scanner. Not only that, but if Moragreiga tried to log in at the same time as I was in the bank’s system, it would lock both of us out and I’d have no hope of getting the information I needed.
My laptop pinged. Looking down, I grinned, nervous energy fluttering in my belly like a kaleidoscope of butterflies. I’d gotten through the first layer of security. I thought I’d have to credential stuff the page, but it wasn’t necessary. Moragreiga’s username wasn’t his employee ID or another randomly generated number. It was his email address—the very same one listed on his card. When would people learn? Most of the weaknesses with IT security were because of human error or laziness.
Now I had to link in so that I could upload the retinal scan. I opened a terminal—a command prompt—to upload the first bot that I’d programmed. It was to help me get into their system and upload the saved scan. Taking the picture from the glasses was a calculated risk. People tended to open their eyes wider when performing scans, so if the image was only a partial and didn’t have enough matching points, no amount of programming would get me in. Short of kidnapping Moragreiga, this was my best shot.
Tying him to a chair and doing a live scan of his retina was plan B. But that meant I’d probably need to get naked with him, a suggestion that my guys would not be on board with and one I wasn’t at all psyched about either.
The second bot was a trailing program. It followed close behind me, jumping in front of the site’s audit system and scrubbing the logs so that any trace of my visit was wiped and my tracks were covered.
The third was “a just in case” measure, but it wasn’t a stretch to imagine the incorporation of anomaly detectors running on the network to beef up security. If they were tripped, the site would clone itself, hiding the real data and sending the hacker to a honeypot filled with fake records. Most hackers wouldn’t even know that it had happened.
Good thing I wasn’tmost hackers.
I was intimately familiar with honeypots. I’d designed a few of my own, including my Morningstar protocol, but it was much better hidden than the average honeypot.
I knew what to look for: the triggering of the anomaly system, the activation of the cloning, and the redirection to it. My bot disabled the anomaly system, temporarily tricking it into thinking that all was well so that the clone wouldn’t even be generated.
I was hoping with everything in me that my bots would work. There were so many things that could go wrong.
With shaking fingers, I entered the code to upload the scan. Nervousness danced in my veins. I held my breath as I waited to see if it would work. The command prompt flashed, running the comparison. My knee bounced, nervous energy escaping the only way it could. I held my breath.
The wait was interminable.
Could I get in? Or was my plan doomed to fail?
The screen flashed.
The terminal disappeared, going blank.