Page 2 of Endless Summer
“Well, it obviously does if you’re asking me about it,” she said.
“Why do your friends care so much about you being a virgin?” he asked.
“I have no idea,” she muttered. “I guess it has something to do with the fact that I’m twenty-five and still haven’t found a guy that I want to have sex with. Ginger likes to tell me that my standards are too high, but at least I have standards.”
“Hey—she is happily involved with one of my two best friends,” Colter reminded. “I’d say that she has some pretty high standards if she’s with Jude. He’s a good guy.”
“I’m not saying that he’s not,” she insisted. “I’m just pissed off at Ginger right now. I didn’t mean to involve Jude in my tirade against her. I just hate that they put their noses into my business, you know. My sex life is none of their business.”
“Then, tell Ginger and Savannah that,” Colter said.
“Easier said than done. The three of us have always shared everything. I’m guessing that they just want me to be happy, as they are, but I am happy by myself, you know?” she asked.
“Yeah, I get that,” Colter agreed. “I feel the same way. I’ve always been kind of a loner and the guys have just never understood that about me. I get it though.”
“Thanks for saying that,” she said. “I’m betting that you aren’t a virgin though and that your friends aren’t hounding you about losing your virginity.”
“Um, no,” he agreed, “they are not.” Colter looked her over and it was as if an “Ah-ha” moment went off in his head. “Maybe we can help each other out and get our friends off of our backs at the same time,” he said.
“Please don’t tell me that you’re willing to help me lose my virginity to help me get my friends off my back, Colter. While I’m sure that most women would be pleased to have your offer, I’m not,” she insisted.
“Right, because you don’t want to settle for me, I get it,” he said, tossing her words back into her face.
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“You told Ginger that you didn’t want to settle for me, and I understand. I’m not your type,” Colter grumbled.
“Oh, and what is my type?” she asked.
“You’re really going to make me say it?” he asked.
“Yes, you seem to know me so well, Colter—what’s my type?” she asked again.
“You seem to want someone who’s exactly like you, Norah. You have this unreachable set of standards, and no one will ever be good enough,” he said. “Certainly not any man. You do know that there is no such thing as a perfect human being, right?” he asked.
“I know that,” she insisted. “You just have no idea how I was raised. My grandmother set those standards for me and well, I never let go of them. It doesn’t hurt that I expect people to be at their best. It sets the bar high, but I’m not unrealistic,” she insisted. He loved the way that her sexy, full lips formed an adorable pout when she was pissed off, not that he’d ever tell her that.
“Listen, you haven’t even heard my idea yet. Why not give it a chance before you toss it aside and do what you want to do anyway?” he asked.
“Fine, let’s hear this brilliant idea of yours, Colter,” she drawled.
“Thank you,” he said. “How about if I drop you off at the airport and then, go home to pack a bag for myself?” he asked.
“You don’t have to move out of the house just because I don’t like your stupid idea, Colter,” she said.
“Shut up for five minutes and just listen,” Colter grumbled. “You really are a pain in the ass, Norah.”
“So I’ve been told numerous times today. What are you going to do with your packed bag?” she asked.
“Well, I was thinking that I can work anywhere, and I haven’t been to New York in ages. I can get a room in the hotel where you are staying, and we can hatch a plan that will have the others believing that we connected over this little week away in New York and that we’re together. We can come back to the beach house and uphold our ruse for a few more weeks and then break up right before we head home. That way, we can enjoy the rest of our summer, and the others will be happy and keep their noses out of our business.”
“So, no sex?” Norah asked. Was it wrong that he felt a little bit of satisfaction that she sounded disappointed that they wouldn’t be having sex? Maybe, but he just couldn’t help himself.
“No sex—unless that’s something that you want to add to our deal,” he teased, hoping like hell that she’d take him up on his offer.
“No, I think that I’m good with sticking to my whole virgin theme for now,” she insisted. Now, he was the one feeling a bit disappointed.
“How about it then?” he asked. “You want to completely dupe our friends into thinking that we’re just as blissfully happy as they are?” She looked back out of the passenger window, and he thought for sure that Norah was going to tell him no, but the slight nod of her head had him hoping for things he hadn’t allowed himself to hope for in a long time.