Page 55 of Bound By Fate
Did Zephy enact her powers?
Without waiting for further explanation, I whipped from the stoop and rushed toward the secure car, the guards on my heels. I caught snatches of their conversations, but my mind wasn’t focused on their words.
“… servants… the Queen saved them… Stralia…”
I stopped dead and turned to look at Uruslu again. “Stralia?” I echoed. “What about Stralia?”
“Alpha, it seems she’s the leader of the attacks!”
Blood drained from my face as the last of the sunlight slipped away, leaving us in darkness on the residential street in town. I could feel the locals watching us through their windows, waiting for us to come or go.
“Say that again,” I rasped, staring at Ursulu, who remained atop his scooter, his own complexion as waxen as I felt.
“I’m sorry, Alpha,” he mewled, not wanting to be the deliverer of such news.
“Say it again!” I insisted. “Stralia what?”
“She’s been gathering a group of hostiles to overtake the Queen for months. Things came to a head tonight—”
I couldn’t listen to another word, the betrayal and fury sickening me.
Stralia, my Stralia, who had once shared my bed, could not be so cruel. And yet she had been the cause of Zephy leaving in the first place, her first action to come and try to claim my bed again.
My affections and history with her clouded my vision. I should have seen it all along. She should have been banished. Instead, I allowed her to create a mutiny under our noses.
“Back to the palace!” I roared at everyone in earshot. “I want her brought to me immediately!”
Ursulu tried to tell me something else, but in my daze, I couldn’t hear him as I rushed to the SUV, barely remembering climbing inside.
Stralia. Stralia. Stralia.
Any feelings of consideration I had for her were long expired with the idea that she had tried to harm my child—or my mate.
Why did I let her stay? I should have foreseen this.
Before the driver could zoom away, I rolled down the tinted window to look at Ursulu, who wiped the sweat from his brow, the trip from the palace over-exerting him.
“Are you sure about everything you’re saying?”
He nodded, his eyes still bugged. “Yes, Alpha. A hundred percent.”
“Drive!” I ordered.
The vehicle raced away from Ironhelm City, and in record time, we found ourselves flying over the bridge to greet the frazzled entry guards.
“Alpha!” they choked in unison, confirming that something was indeed amiss inside.
“What happened here?” I demanded, jumping out of the back of the car with Ryland, who slid in behind me.
“I don’t know, Alpha. We didn’t want to leave our posting, but reports of an attack from the interior have met our ears.”
Dumbfounded to have confirmation, I gaped at them. “And you just stayed here?”
“They did right by the palace, Alpha,” Ryland interjected before I could explode. “They had no way of knowing if outsiders were coming in. Someone had to man the doors. They followed protocol.”
I scowled and stalked forward, signaling for the others to follow me, but it was unnecessary—everyone remained on my trail, their breaths as bated as mine.
“Where is the Queen?” I called as I entered through the kitchen.