Page 71 of Bound By Fate
“I’ll be in my suite.”
Slowly, I turned, careful not to make any sudden moves and increase the onset of dizziness, alarm spiking through me.
Has someone poisoned me? How? When?
I tried to think of the last thing I had consumed, but my head was too thick, and my stomach churned with every agonizing step I took.
Every few feet, I was forced to stop and steady myself, taking deep gulps of air.
Maywin’s voice filtered in from behind me, her small arm encircling my waist. “What happened?”
I turned to her, sweat dripping down my brow, and she paled at the sight of my complexion. “I think I was poisoned,” I whispered with dread. “Find Shay.”
Maywin recoiled, steadying me. “Poisoned? By whom? Why?” she gasped, helping me further toward the stairs. She leaned closer, inhaling the air around me, sniffing my hair.
“The Council of Ministers has taken exception to me falling into Cade’s role since he’s been in the Kingdom of Silverhold,” I mumbled. “It’s possible—”
“No,” Maywin tittered, her laugh stopping me mid-sentence.
I paused unsteadily and looked at her.
“Are you giggling?” I asked, terror striking my heart.
“Maywin? Luna?” Shay rushed up the stairs behind us, her eyes wide and worried. “What’s happened?”
I tried to pull away from my friend, her reaction confusing me, but Maywin held fast to me as she gave my personal enchantress a knowing look.
“She’s unwell, Shay,” Maywin told her slyly. “She thinks she’s been poisoned.”
“Poisoned?!” Shay choked, drawing to my other side.
Maywin did not lose the silly grin on her face, and my mistrust grew.
“What is so amusing about this?” I snapped. “What have you done?”
Hurt replaced her good humor. “I haven’t done anything, Zephy,” she replied, blinking. “You haven’t been poisoned. You aren’t even ill, in fact.”
Shay stood straighter, understanding flooding her face as well. “Ohhh…” she sighed. “Yes…”
Annoyed now, I pulled away from both of them, folding my arms to lean by the wall of the stone stairwell, glowering at them. “I feel quite unhealthy, and after the session I just had with the cabinet, I have every reason to believe…”
Their smiles merely grew, and suddenly, my words died on my lips as I understood what they were trying to tell me.
“Oh…” I mewled. “Are you saying…?”
“Apolonia will have a sibling,” Maywin murmured, her smile overtaking her face. “How wonderful!”
Feeling sheepish and elated, my head dropped as my fingers splayed over my stomach. Another baby for our growing kingdom, just as Cade and I had always wanted. He would be so pleased when he returned.
I raised my head and grinned at my friends, shaking my head. “You can’t let him know that you found out first.”
“Even before you, you mean?” Maywin teased.
I swatted at her playfully before returning my hand to my belly.
“Especially not before me. How did I not see it?”