Page 29 of Chained
“Really? You’re just going to run off now?”
I clamped my mouth shut, but kept my eyes trained on the floor. Without moving or speaking, I waited for him to give orders.
“Oh, for all the gods’ sake,” Cade barked. “You’re dismissed, then, if you’re going to turn to stone. I was hoping we could have a proper conversation now that the truth was out, but…”
He said some other words after, but I heard nothing but the agreement to let me go.
“Thank you, Alpha.” I curtseyed again and tripped over my own feet, racing toward the hallway, my sneakers squeaking on the polished wood.
Inside my room, I buried myself in the bed with the soft, silk duvet over my head until I heard Maywin and Rufus return to their respective rooms.
“MAYWIN!” I cried out, unable to move from my bed.
Almost immediately, my maid appeared at the foot of the bed, concern coloring her face.
“What is it?” she asked, worry etched over her face. “Are you sick? Should I call for a healer?”
Barely lowering the blanket to look at her, I whimpered. “The King is Axel. Axel is the King,” I blubbered.
Maywin remained in place, her head cocked to the side curiously. “Miss?”
“He was playing me for a fool!” I exploded, throwing the blankets aside to spring to my knees, the entire sordid story springing from my lips. “Axel isn’t a real trainer at all. It was the King all along, pretending to be a commoner!”
Maywin gawked, an odd smile touching her lips. “That’s kind of romantic, isn’t it?” she asked slowly.
Appalled, I shook my head vehemently. “It most certainly isn’t!” I spat. “How can lying to your fiancée be romantic? He enlisted the entire palace to go along with it, and now I feel as if I’ve gone crazy! If he can spin such an elaborate façade so early on, what else is he capable of doing?” I paused and balked. “Did you know?”
“No! No, of course not. I would have told you.”
I believed her. Sighing, I flopped back on the bed. “I feel like such an idiot.”
Maywin’s smile faded, and she nodded compassionately. “I understand, miss, and you’re right. It is a little bit cruel.”
I relaxed, knowing that Maywin was on my side. Exhaling, I sank back onto my buttocks to make room for my maid on the bed, and she sat on the edge, her mouth forming a thin line thoughtfully.
“Did he say why he did it?” she asked tentatively, as if she worried that I might break down with the question.
I sniffed and nodded. “He claimed that he wanted to know the ‘real’ me, that if he had come as himself, I would have pretended to be someone I’m not.”
“Was he wrong?”
I frowned at my maid. “Are you justifying his actions?”
“No,” she assured me. “But I can understand, in his disillusioned way, why he may have thought it was a good idea…”
She trailed off and pursed her lips again, causing my eyes to narrow. “What is it?”
“Nothing, miss.”
“Don’t lie to me, Maywin. I’ve had about enough of those as I can take right now.”
“I’m not lying, but I don’t want to cause you more stress, either.” I stared at her expectantly, and she sighed deeply. “I heard some talk at the meeting tonight, but I’m not sure what to make of it.”
My skin prickled with apprehension. “What sort of talk? About me?”
“No… not exactly. It’s about King Cade and… well, his past.”
Interest and dread twined inside me as I leaned closer. “What about his past?” I pressed. “What did you hear?”