Page 67 of Chained
A stab of pride surged through me as I smiled at her, every word hitting a proper note with me. “And you are my queen,” I replied, just as confidently. “If they think that they can stop that from happening, they’re sorely mistaken.”
“Cade—” Aradia muttered warningly, but I turned to her with fire in my eyes.
“Are you suggesting that I just roll over and let them do what they’re doing?”
The enchantress shook her head slowly. “I’m suggesting that you keep an eye out because this group is not messing around. Whatever is happening here is calculated and might be growing under our noses.”
“Then you have work to do, don’t you, Aradia?” I told her firmly. “Get to the bottom of it and stop trying to deter us from taking them on.”
Aradia nodded once, but I thought I caught a gleam of appreciation in her eyes as she bowed and vanished, leaving Zephyrine and me alone again.
Zephy rose and ambled toward me, worried. “I know you said all that in front of Aradia, but maybe we should keep a lower profile until we have a better handle on what’s going on.”
“No,” I said firmly, seizing her shoulders. The movement shocked her, and she blinked as I drew her toward me, my nose inches from hers. “You will be my queen. In fact, this has only swayed me to move up the timeline. I want to make this happen faster now.”
Her eyes brightened, but I still read the hesitation. “I don’t want you to do it out of spite, Cade.”
“I’m doing it out of love, Zephy. You were meant to be my queen, and these assholes, hiding behind magic and spells, won’t stop it from happening. Let’s get to planning this. We’ve held off long enough. We should have been married by now.”
She smiled and embraced me tightly, but when we withdrew, she eyed me, a question in her dark irises.
“What is it, Zephy?”
“Do you suppose that Aradia might have something to do with what happened?” she breathed, looking over my shoulder as if she expected the enchantress to appear again. “She seems to want us to wait.”
I shook my head vehemently. “Aradia’s loyalty is only to Ironhelm. She doesn’t take personal sides or play favorites and has been here for over a century. She has never had a complaint, nor does she have anything to gain from creating chaos among us.”
Zephy didn’t look convinced. “But she was supposed to protect me.”
“Along with the guards that you shook off,” I reminded her gently. Guilt overtook her face, and I again pulled her into my arms. “This isn’t a matter of blame. I’m just stating the facts. No one being is a fortress on their own. We must all work together in order to protect the kingdom, now so more than ever, it seems. I don’t believe that Aradia had anything to do with your attacks, but we won’t discount anyone or anything. We’ll keep an eye on everyone, just to be sure.”
Zephy buried her face in my chest and held herself close. “Then who will help me plan for this monstrosity of a wedding?” she teased lightly, and I laughed.
“Don’t you worry, My Queen. We will manage somehow.”
Yet as I reassured Zephy with all my words of confidence, I couldn’t be sure I was guiding her properly.
I’ll double the security, and we will make sure to find who’s responsible for this treasonous act. They will pay the price. I promise.
But I said none of this aloud to Zephy. I didn’t want her to think of anything but our future together.
The next week was bittersweet. I remained on pins and needles as I moved through the palace walls, this time ensuring that the fairy guards remained securely at my back, no matter where I went.
Maywin refused to leave my side for the first few days.
“Can’t my room be moved closer to yours?” she begged every day. “You’re too far away if you need anything in the night.”
“I don’t need anything in the night, May,” I insisted with a laugh. “And the King has all the servants he needs to do my bidding.”
It was the wrong thing to say. My maid was perturbed by the idea that she was being replaced until I finally spoke to Cade about moving her closer to our suite of rooms.
“She’s very attached to you,” Cade teased. “Am I going to have competition for your affections when we’re married?”
I laughed and shrugged. “I supposed that’s between the two of you to work out. There are enough of my affections to go around.”