Page 28 of No Child of Mine
Instead she sat, hands fisted in her lap, while Omar pulled into a parking space and turned off the engine. He glanced at his watch. “We’ll just make it in time. Let’s go.” He held out his hand. “Gum.”
She dropped it in his palm. “I don’t know, Omar, I think I need to lie down.”
Omar grunted and got out of the car. When he opened her door and offered her a hand out, she couldn’t raise her arm to take it.
“Deborah, get out of the car. Now. The service is starting.”
“I don’t feel good. I feel really bad.”
“Good.” His frown reminded her of the eighth grade teacher who’d caught her smoking in the bathroom. “Remember that the next time you decide to drink.”
“Thanks a lot.”
“You want sympathy? You’re talking to the wrong guy. You think you’re gonna get out of going to church because you’re hung over, forget it. All the more reason to get your sorry behind in there and repent.”
Omar could be a breath of fresh air. Deborah heaved herself from the seat. More like a gale-force wind. To her relief, the faith band already had the members of the congregation on their feet, singing. Her hands shook so bad she could hardly make out the words in the bulletin. Dry heaves and shakes, her old friends, had returned. She slipped into the pew where she always sat with Ray and the Martinez extended family. Except today Ray wasn’t here. Or Daniel. Mercifully.
She stole a glance at Samuel. He seemed engrossed in the song even though his lips barely moved.
His gaze swung toward her. His eyes were bleak, unreadable, but he nodded. Then he lifted his gaze to the enormous stain glass window featuring the cross in front of them.
A hand slipped over hers and squeezed. Startled, she glanced up. Alex Luna stood next to her. What was he doing here? His eyes were sympathetic. She snatched her hand away and sank into the padded pew as the song ended.
After the service, she made a mad dash down the aisle, but she couldn’t shake Alex. They made it almost to the doors of the sanctuary before he spoke. “Need a ride back to your truck. I mean, could I give you a ride?”
“What are you doing here?”
“Sarge invited me.” His smile sagged a little. He wasn’t as confident as he liked to pretend. “Need a ride?”
“No. You’ve done plenty.” But just because he was a snitch didn’t mean she had the right to be a jerk. “No, thanks” she amended. “Thanks for giving me a ride last night. Omar and I have a—have a thing we have to go to. Then he’ll drop me off at my truck.”
“Who’s Omar?”
“My AA sponsor.”
“Oh, okay. I just wondered. Hadn’t seen him around.”
He looked so uncomfortable, she felt something almost like pity. It had been only a few months since she had been newly sober and terrified to come through those church doors. Maybe Alex was terrified, too. Daniel had helped her. Daniel. At least she hadn’t had to face him yet. Not working the case would make it easy to avoid him.
And hard to make things right.
“Since we’re asking questions, why are you really here today, Luna?” she asked, dragging her mind away from a dilemma that seemed to have no solution.
“Alex, remember.” His gaze challenged her to say she didn’t. “Like I said, Samuel invited me.”
“I know, but why say yes? I didn’t think church was your deal.”
“Sarge said you would be here.”
His gaze held hers as he said the words. It took Deborah a second to understand. “I—I” She stopped.
“See ya.” Now the broad grin that transformed a plain face was back. He turned and strolled away.
She could see why some women found that smile so devastating. Not her.
She’d turned him down three times. Yet, he didn’t seem to be giving up. Even after seeing her falling-down drunk. What did that say about him? Could he be trusted or did he just like a challenge?
A shudder ran through her. She couldn’t help her feelings for Daniel, but he was married and she knew he’d never reciprocate. Having a relationship with someone who was available—that was another thing. Alex didn’t need damaged goods in his life.