Page 6 of No Child of Mine
Daniel sank against the tree again. “He’s not here anymore.”
Cooper looked up from wiping his hands on a white handkerchief. “What makes you say that?”
Daniel tugged the sack from his pocket and held it open so Cooper could see the contents. “I bought Benny some marbles last week. I found these on the road.”
“So he dropped them.”
“You don’t understand. No one ever gave this kid anything.” Daniel’s voice sounded thick in his own ears. He swallowed, trying to corral his emotions. “Benny wouldn’t part with them unless he was desperate. He wanted us to find them. A car left before we got out there. There was one space open in the entire line. Someone was parked there and left—right where I found these.”
“Easy, Danny, give the guy a chance. Detective Cooper is just getting started.” Samuel shook hands with Cooper and introduced himself. “We’ve just come back from scouring the perimeter. No sign of Benny.”
Cooper shoved his Stetson back on his forehead. “I appreciate your help. Obviously we’re stretched a little thin here. Mr. Martinez—Daniel, did you get the photo of the boy?”
Daniel handed over the snapshot, trying not to look at Benny’s broad grin. He’d just made a game-winning catch. His curly brown hair was a mess, and his face was dirty, but he looked ecstatic.
“You say he’s eight? Kinda small for his age, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, he’s a little undersized. I imagine from being malnourished.” Daniel tried not to sound defensive. “He eats like a horse, but he can’t seem to get caught up.”
He gazed at the tree line in the distance for a few seconds. “Look, Detective Cooper, if y’all don’t move fast on this, Benny could end up in a grave just like this one.”
Cooper opened his mouth, but before he could speak Phoebe’s high-pitched voice carried over the expanse between the main house and the shed. Daniel turned to see his daughter dart across the field, her long, thin legs pumping.
“Dad!” Panting, she stumbled through the knot of people to Daniel. “Dad, Aunt Susana says come quick. A guy’s on the phone—he says he has Benny.”
Chapter Four
Daniel sprinted to the house, weaving through wedding guests who danced out of his way, their mouths open in wide O’s of surprise. The pounding sound behind him said the others followed. A cluster of relatives on the porch stood frozen, punch glasses in their hands, their gazes pinned to him as Daniel climbed the steps two at a time.
“It’s him,” Susana met Daniel at the door. She thrust the phone at him. “Whoever he is, he says he has Benny.”
“Who is this?” Daniel gasped into the receiver. “What do you want with Benny?”
“Daniel Martinez?”
“Yes. What have you done with Benny?”
“Benny’s gonna help me out with a little project of mine.” A south side cadence rang in the caller’s voice. “Benny has connections.”
“What project? What connections? He’s eight. He can’t help you with anything.” Daniel tilted the receiver away from his ear so Samuel could hear.
“Sure, he can. Benny may only be eight, but he’s experienced.” The man laughed, a cackling sound that sent a chill through Daniel. “Very experienced. His mama made sure of it. I bet Benny hasn’t shared all his skills with you.”
“His mother? How do you know Shawna?” Daniel glanced at Samuel who nodded and mouthedget him to talk. “What does this have to do with her?”
“We were business associates.”
Drug dealer and/or gang banger. The punch Daniel had drank earlier burned the back of his throat. “She’s in jail. Kidnapping Benny won’t change that.”
“She’s got something I want. Me and her have visited a few times in that nice prison. She won’t give me what’s mine. So, now, I’ve got something that belongs to her.”
“Let me talk to Benny.”
The guy chuckled, an eerie, disembodied sound that lingered over the line. “Sure.”
Quiet reigned for a second and then the sound of the receiver banging against something reverberated. Finally, Daniel heard a whisper. “Mr. Daniel?”
“Benny, are you all right—did he hurt you?” The pressure of Samuel’s hand on his arm kept Daniel upright. “Do you know where you are?”