Page 31 of That First Date
He can’t be serious right now.
Also, okay… I have been on my phone all morning. It’s not my fault the group chat with the girls has me laughing at how well they know me. That stupid grin with texting Dean was dumb on my part. But who is he to say who I can and can’t text. I crack my knuckles at my desk before I send him an email back.
From:[email protected]
I am dedicated to all aspects of my job and take it very seriously. You have received everything asked of me today in a timely manner, and our deal is still very much on.
I will have you know, I never had said boyfriend from your previous email. However, I have cut ties with my casual fling. My group chat with the girls has been a little haywire this morning which explains the phone dinging like crazy.
But I won’t lie… Dean contacted me about the ‘break up’ I did via text message.
What can I say, I’m a difficult person to get over.
All the best,
I can’t help but laugh at myself. That last line was kind of unnecessary, but that’s also just who I am.
I pick up my stress relief putty on my desk as I lean back in the chair and wait for a response. But instead of a response, I find Marc standing in the door of my office. He’s leaning against the frame with one leg relaxed over the other and his arms crossed over his chest.
He’s also wearing his signature scowl that has his eyebrows pinched together.
“What can I do for you, boss man?” I smirk as I continue to squeeze the stress putty in my hands.
“What are you doing, Avery?”
“I’m working. What does it look like I’m doing? And I’m relieving some stress from emails my boss is sending me. You should invest in this for your desk.”
“I don’t need a stress ball,” he huffs. “I need you to stop smiling and laughing at your phone for ten seconds and keep working.”
“First of all, it’s not a stressball. It’s called stress putty.” I toss it over to him and he catches it despite being caught off guard. “More specifically a dill dough.”
“Excuse me… what?” he practically yells in my office.
“Relax, you heathen.” I snort a laugh. “That’s the brand of the putty. Clearly it’s not a dildo.”
“You are not right in the head.” He shakes his head. A smile doesn’t reach his face though.
“I know this already. I work for you, remember?” That earns me a slight lift in the corner of his lips. “Back to my points I was making that you rudely interrupted… Second of all, the group chat I have with the girls was a little chaotic because they haven’t heard from me in a few days and–”
“Why? Where have you been?”
He presses off the door frame and fully enters my small office, his face laced with… concern? Jealousy? Wondering not where, butwhoI’ve been with? There’re so many things washing over his features right now.
“Well, honey,” I draw out the term of endearment. “I spent Sunday curled on the couch with junk food and rewatching old episodes ofFriends. Rainy weather makes me lazy, and after the week I had, I needed a day to just relax.”
His shoulders visibly relax, and he nods but doesn’t say anything else.
“Then yesterday, I worked here all day doing what I do every Monday. Pulling new listings from over the weekend for you. Gathering last week's sales reports from Jessica.” I throw in an eye roll for extra measure when I say her name. “And then I color coded your appointment calendar because that shit was a mess.”
“I was wondering why it was so colorful this morning.” He smiles. “Can you please explain the Avery color coded system to me?”