Page 52 of That First Date
“I get it.” His laughter dies down. “But I like hearing it from your lips.”
“Stop it.”
“You stop it,” he snaps back. Like a child on a playground with no comeback. “I will not be going after some PTA mom that I barely know.”
“Do you really need to know her? Come on, you’re a dude.”
“I don’t.” He takes a step into me. Putting only inches in between us. “But I know you.”
Gravity practically pushes me closer to him as if there is just a pull that I can’t deny.
I lean into him, knowing damn well that I shouldn’t.
His fingers reach up to my shoulder before he delicately trails his pointer finger down my arm. Why does my body betray me every single time by causing my skin to quiver with chills?
“I know how you sound when you fall apart with just my fingers.”
His hand comes back up to brush the hair away from my face and tucks it behind my ear so delicately that it makes me lose all the air in my lungs.
He leans in close, almost as if he’s going to kiss me. Except his cheeks brush mine, lightly until his lips come close to my ear.
“So… right now, there’s only one person who I want to have thisrich dick.”
Peyton comes skipping back into the kitchen, her normal happy self.
I pull away from Marc as if I’m a small child who just got caught dipping her hands into the cookie jar. Marc doesn’t make any effort to move from where we just were.
“What are you two love birds discussing here?” Peyton asks playfully.
“Marc is just being his normal arrogant self.” I give an exaggerated eye roll. “And we definitely are NOT love birds.”
Marc simply shrugs and gives his best cocky grin.
“Oh, Christ.” Peyton laughs. “Did Thomas tell you about Bianca wanting a rich dick?”
“He did.” Marc joins her in laughter. “She’s certainly not getting mine.”
“Trust me,” she snorts. “You’re not her type anyway since she’s more about the nerdy ones. That’s the only reason I invited her. She won’t want any of you Ford boys.”
As if on cue, Thomas walks through the kitchen with little James in toe.
“Ave!” James screeches. His little body barrels into my legs and I almost topple over, completely bypassing Marc on his run into me. “I’ve misseded you!”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Marc throws his arms out.
“I missed you too, bud.” I lean down to give him a hug. “What have you been up to this morning?”
“We had to go pick up your surprise!”
I look at Peyton and Thomas standing on the other side of the kitchen, lost in their own embrace.
“A surprise, huh?” I play dumb because he’s just so cute and I don’t want to ruin this for him.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” He jumps up and down, clapping his hands.
I’m smiling so big when my eyes connect with Marc. His smile almost matches mine as if he knew about this surprise too. Was I the last to know? I mean… I guess it was a surprise.
“Where’s my girl?” my mom’s voice shouts from the hallway.